🧡 Seungkwan- Seventeen 🧡

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This is my own original idea

Seungkwan and I got married when we were young. We were only 20. We've been married for two years now. We do have a happy marriage but sometimes part of us regrets getting married so young when we have all our lives ahead of us. We were together a year before we tied the knot. I love Seungkwan with all my heart. He's the best husband I could ask for. We do have unnecessary fights sometimes for no reason but we always make up and love each other in the end no matter what. I guess you don't have a healthy marriage unless you fight. I want to start a family with Seungkwan soon. I want to be pregnant in the next few months if I can. It's coming up to 3 years since we got married soon. He's not ready to have a baby yet. I guess we both have to be ready to have a baby as it's a huge thing. I know Seungkwan will be amazing dad one day. He's good with babies I've seen him with my nieces and nephew and he's great with them. Anyway I'm sure someday in the future we'll start a family. I'd love it to be soon. I am waiting for Seungkwan to come home from the studio. Sometimes it feels like a long time as he doesn't get back till late sometimes. Late nights cause us to have fights. I am sat on the couch waiting for Seungkwan to arrive home. I can't wait for him to arrive home. It's after 7:30pm and he's not back yet i haven't heard anything from him yet. I sit and wait for time to pass but it's going by so slowly. Almost an hour later the front door opens and Seungkwan walks in. "Hey, love. I'm home" he said. "Hey, Kwan. I thought you were never coming back" I say. "Nah I'm home. How are you?" he said. "Yeah fine. Not bad" I reply. "Great. I missed you today" he said. "I missed you too" I smile. Seungkwan sits next me on the couch and gives me a kiss. I've already eaten as I was hungry but I left some for him of course. A lot of the time we don't always eat together. Seungkwan eats his meal next to me on the couch

Seungkwan finishes eating and we chill together. "Thanks for that it was really good" he said. "You're welcome. I thought I'd eat before you since you were gonna be late" I reply. "Yeah no problem" he said. "Sorry, Kwanie" I say. "It's alright. I suppose" he said. I could tell that Seungkwan was fed up. "Kwanie, what's up?" I say. "Nothing. I'm fine. Just tired" he said. "I know that you don't want to start a family yet but I'm ready, Seungkwan" I say. "Are you really going to start this again? Please no" he said. "What? You know how much I want a baby. I'm ready to start a family" I say. "I know, sweetie but I think we should wait sometime. Maybe just a few months or a year" Seungkwan said. "But that's too long to wait, Kwanie" I say. "Sorry, baby but I'm not 100% ready to have a baby yet" he said. "Okay it's fine" I say folding my arms. "Sorry, sweetie. I really am sorry" he said. "It's alright. I suppose" I reply. Seungkwan knows he's upset me and he tries to make it up to me. "It's okay, Seungkwan. I forgive you. I don't like falling out with you" I say. "Thanks, baby. I promise I'll never upset you again" he said. "I know, Kwanie" I reply. Seungkwan starts kissing me suddenly. We kinda make up by making out and making love sometimes. We quickly go into the bedroom and get in our bed and do it. I could tell that Seungkwan was horny for it. I knew he was. He kept on making noises and moaning at me. We had good make up sex in bed. It was unprotected too. We usually do it with protection but this time it happened quick. Too quick. Maybe I'll be pregnant soon. Seungkwan and I had a little fight but we made up in the right way in the end. Oh yes we did

A few months later and I'm finally pregnant. I am 5 months pregnant and we are having a baby girl. We found out a few weeks ago. Seungkwan changed his mind about having a baby. We can't wait to to welcome this little girl into the world in the next few months. We can't wait to be parents soon. We are so excited. I know that Seungkwan will be a great daddy to our girl. He will. He's already so ready to meet her. Seungkwan and I are getting ready to go out for dinner with the Seventeen guys. They are all excited about the arrival of our baby. I'm 5 months now so I have a cute little baby bump that I'm proud of. Seungkwan keeps on kissing it and putting his arms around me and being loving and affectionate like he always is. We are getting ready to go out for dinner now. It's pretty casual but I'm wearing a nice flowered maternity dress. I am in the bathroom doing my hair and makeup when Seungkwan walks in. "Hey, baby. How's my girls?" he said. "Hey, Kwanie. We are both doing good. She is kicking me right now" I say. "Ohhhh is she" he replies. "Yes" I reply. "Yep she's kicking real hard. She's gonna be a strong girl" Seungkwan said placing his hand on my bump and kissing our baby girl. I smile and blush. "Can't wait to meet you, baby girl. Appa wants you to be here now" he said. "She'll be here soon, Kwanie" I smile. Seungkwan puts his arms around me and kisses my neck. "I love you so much" he said. "I love you so much too. We do. Me and our daughter" I reply. Seungkwan smiles. Soon we set off to meet the guys at the restaurant we are eating at. "Darling, you look so gorgeous. My gorgeous wife and baby mama" he said. "Thank you, Kwanie. You're the sweetest. You look so handsome as always" I reply. We get in the car and leave after that. We cannot wait to meet our baby girl soon. She was the main talk of the dinner

Seungkwan's POV

Our daughter, Sunhee is now 6 months old and she is the light of mine and Y/ N's life. We can't believe she is here. I was wrong about not wanting a family yet but I'm so happy we decided to have Sunhee now. She is an adorable little princess. She is a little ray of sunshine as her name says. Me and Y/ N love Sunhee so much. We have taken Sunhee to the park today and the guys from the vocal unit are with us. Woozi, Joshua, DK and Jeonghan. Four of Sunhee's uncles. Sunhee is now old enough to go on the swings. She loves the swings. DK is pushing her on the swing now. "Guys, she loves it" he said. "She does. That's my girl" I reply. Sunhee has the biggest smile on her adorable little face. "Sunhee" Woozi said. She smiles at him. DK continues to push Sunhee on the swings for a bit longer. She loves it. That's my girl. I pick up Sunhee and kiss her. The other boys wanted to play with her too. Joshua was the next. "My favourite girl" he said. "Awwww uncle, Shua" Jeonghan said. We had a fantastic day in the park with our little princess Sunhee. We love her so much. She makes our lives so much better

A/ N: love Seungkwan. He is my main bias wrecker in SVT. All members so bias wreck me. Especially Kwanie. He's adorable and amazing

I will try and update as much as I can. I won't on Christmas Day. As you might have seen on my message board I lost my mum the other day

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