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Tiny hands and feet, toes smaller than Tony's fingernails. Soft caramel- colored skin and big, beautiful dark eyes. The doctors had her bundled up in a soft pink blanket, but you could still see the dark tufts of hair covering the baby's head.


In that moment, staring through the glass window at the the incubator where their daughter lay, both men knew that there was nothing in the entire universe they could possibly love more than they loved that little girl.

"Welcome to the world, Charlie," Steve Rogers whispered, tears burning his eyes.

Tony took his husband's hand, laughing through tears of his own. After years of debating and months of searching for the perfect situation to adopt, they had finally done it.

They had a baby girl.

From that moment, nothing else mattered.

And so Charlotte Stark-Rogers grew up as the most loved, cherished, spoiled child in the world. Gifts came in from all over the country when she was brought home from the hospital, the baby quickly becoming the hot topic of every news source. The daughter of a genius billionaire and the most decorated soldier in history was thrust into the spotlight, everyone wanting to know every detail about her.

And she soaked it up, every bit of it. She started in commercials before she was old enough to speak, and became the face of multiple baby product companies. By the time she was in kindergarten, she had broken the record for the highest net worth of a minor ever recorded.

But as great as all of the publicity and luxury was, none of it mattered that much to Charlie.

She had a Dad and a Pops, and Pepper and Happy and Rhodey, who loved her more than anything in the world, and that was all she needed.

She was safe.

The one day when she was seven years old, she tagged along with her Dad to a weapons exchange in Afghanistan, where her perfect world was shattered.

They were kidnapped, taken away from the rest of the world for months, held prisoner with barely enough food and water to keep them alive. They needed Tony to build a highly destructive bomb, their captors said, and he was the only one who could do it.

When he refused, they took Charlie.

The father and daughter were separated for two days, and when Charlie returned, she was... different. She didn't- couldn't- speak about what the captors had done to her. She flinched whenever Tony approached her, and woke up screaming from nightmares when she was able to steal a few hours of sleep.

When she finally did speak, she said that she just really missed her Pops.

After several days, nearly a week of coaxing, Charlie finally was able to look Tony in the eyes. They slowly adjusted back to their new normal, working on the "secret project" to keep their minds off of things. They made friends with Yinsen, a fellow prisoner, and things were finally looking up.

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