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He remembered vaguely, growing up in that large four room home of his childhood, the fire being lit and mittens donned when the weather got this bad. He recalled frostbitten toes his Ma would reprimand him about, and the rosy red cheeks of his sisters as they removed their caps and scarves to eat dinner. He had been lucky enough to be born into a wealthy Irish family, sheltered and well-fed, with a roof over his head, but none of that could stop the weather.

No matter how chilly he'd been then, it was nothing compared to the bone-deep ache in his bones now.

Snow fell on his lashes and the top of his hair, freezing the long strands into a mass on top of his head. His lips- chapped and bloody- ached and stung from lack of hydration, and he could feel the long trek to Brooklyn weighing on him with every step.

The sky was gray, no sign of the sun to tell what time of day it was. He assumed it was about 5 pm- he'd caught a glance at one of the agent's wrist-watches at around 9 this morning, and judging by the way pain wracked his body, eight hours on foot sounded about right. When he had started this journey, he had no idea how long it would take.

Bucky had done it. Three years of experimentation in that hellhole, and he'd convinced those Hydra bastards that he was on their side. Now was the final test- a test of loyalty, daring him to remember.

He did, of course. Although most of it was quite vague nowadays... he remembered the things that were most important to him. His sisters- Hannah, Winifred, Allyson, and Rebecca. His Ma, and her best friend- Sarah. Sarah's son and Bucky's other half, Steve. Certain smells brought him back as well- a whiff of familiar cologne, the smell of a car engines, gunpowder, orange slices from a guard who had taken pity on him.

But he would never let it show. He wouldn't let Hydra take that from him too.

They were following him, surrounding him from the shadows. Even though they might truly think they'd broken him, they'd never let him out alone. Bucky didn't know how the rest of the world could possibly be so calm when Hydra was in so much power- did the people not know? Did they have any idea the horrors right beneath them, in their cities and their churches and their homes?

All he had to do was play along with Hydra's game for a little while longer, just enough to get home-

Because Steve would be there. Captain America was great and all, but Steve Rogers was the one Bucky could rely on.

Steve would save him. He had to.

Because Bucky didn't have any options left.

𝗘𝗣𝗛𝗜𝗔𝗟𝗧𝗘𝗦 ➣ 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤-𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬¹Where stories live. Discover now