*sugar rush*

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She : let's break up...

Tae : cool ( looking at his phone)

She : i said let's break up! ( angry)

Tae : i heard you already ( expressionless)

She : if you apologize then we can go back together again.

Tae : if you don't feel like it,then cool dude. Don't pressurize yourself.

She : i am not pressuring myself. Just say you are sorry. Then we can be like we used to before.

Tae : okay...cool...sorry? ( looking at his phone)

She : you are apologizing or asking me?

Tae : apologizing?

She : you see!! This is your problem! You never take me seriously.

Tae : i really take you seriously...you know that Jennifer. ( smirking at the game on phone)

She : you just called me Jennifer??

Tae : yeah?

She : you don't fucking know my name!

Tae : your name isn't Jennifer? What is it then? Rose??? I really take you seriously rose??

She : i am not rose! ( angrily)

Tae : not even that? Then what's your name dude?

She : don't call me dude! You don't even know my name! We are dating for 4 months! My name is lily!!!!

Tae : isn't rose & lily almost same?? Both are flowers though.....(sudden scream) dude! You fucking don't know how to play a game! Who allowed this dumbo in our team! I am kicking that moron!

She : i am breaking up with you & you are playing game right now?? Like seriously?

Tae : i am really serious about this & you ro~~ lilly....( again scream) i swear,i am gonna fuck this idiot.

She : if you don't even wanna date me then why did you even go with me?

Tae : because you asked me out,i don't wanna hurt girls...my mom said i am a deadly handsome guy,handsome guys don't hurt girls,they ignore them. ( again concentration on phone)

She : that's it! I have had enough! I am breaking up right now! You think so highly of yourself...what did you think! You are gonna show me attitude & i am still gonna love you! No! You know who is losing in this relationship! You are! You are losing me!  You are gonna cry & come back to me...but i won't take you back...you know why! Because i am already dating someone else! Yes you loser! I was cheating on you...huh ha! Gotcha!

Tae : cool dude...( emotionless)

She : i called my boyfriend here! Don't cry over me when he is here...i am not gonna come back to you.

Tae : does your boyfriend know how to play fortnite??

She : huh? ( confused)

Tae : i am kicking out one loser from my team..if he can play,then he could join instead...ask him dude...

She : you realized i am breaking up with you,right!

Tae : totally...i am sad here...( scream again) attack! Attack! Behind you!

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