*sweet like candy*

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"Hey babe, what color should i wear? Blue or blue?? "

The 24 years old boy asks, looking at the 31years old guy, leaning on the expensive wooden divan... Looking at a magazine, which front cover is already shining with the 31 years old's picture in it...

"You had already decided the color baby... I am sure you are gonna look stunning with blue... If it's royal blue, then~~"

The 31 years old got Interrupted when the 24 years old giggles.

"Gotcha..." He says bringing in a royal blue tuxedo...

"That's my baby...i was sure you will look an amazing GROOM... But my god! You look ravishing babe..."

The 31 years old says standing up, walking towards the another boy... & leans to kiss on his lips softly... The boy kiss back...

"Come on seok-ah! You are making me all blush blush... You are a groom too! & i can't believe i am marrying this handsome man, after dating for four years..! Ah, it's like a dream comes true...We are getting married tomorrow!"

The boy giggles.. The man named seok, more accurately kim ji seok, the multibillionaire, the richest leading man in korea, says rubbing his finger on the other boy's cheek.

"I am so happy right now, finally i am getting married to my baby.. I can't tell you in words how happy i am taehyung-ah... "

Taehyung leans down & kiss again on seok's lips...

"Taehyung kim.. I can die to have this name... "

Taehyung smiles saying...

"No more die-talk... You know how hard we tried to reach up here.. I apologize on my parents behalf..."

"No no..."

Taehyung says shaking his head quickly...

"It's not their fault... I am just... "

He lowers his head..

"I just don't belong here.. I don't match with your surroundings... but what can i do, if i am poor... "

He smiles weakly...

"Don't say that ever again... Okay??" Seok says holding the red hair boy's face in his plam softly..

"Remember to not say silent when anyone blame you or say anything... You are the nicest boy i have ever seen, that doesn't mean you can't reply back if someone is bullying you..."

Seok says again softly...

"But they are your family member..."

Taehyung mumbles...

"Including them... You can't say silent.. & you have to tell me if they are going rough on you.. I won't spare anyone.. Even they are my own parents.. I love you... & that's the truth..."

"I love you..." Taehyung says embracing seok..

"Aish! I wish i could squeeze you in my arms like this....always... "

Seok sighs..

"Do it.. I am yours... Always!!! "

"Ah! I want to see you in this tuxedo before i age up.. My hairs already becoming gray...i don't want to die before getting married! "

"Ah! Again with this die talk! I am seriously gonna cry now... All i have you in my life... & you are saying this again n again... How am i gonna live without you? "

Taehyung's eyes soakens up...

"I am sorry.. I was joking.. This won't happen again... Okay?"

Seok says immediately... Wiping the bit of tears foaming in the corner of taehyung's eyes...

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