*must have been the wind*

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[ this is one of my favorite song title(alec Benjamin) i wanted to write a story that will be a shadow of this song. I always wanted to know what if the story is like this..so here it is... ]

D1(11:59 pm)

Jungkook lies down on the bed setting an alarm.

It been a rough day. He just moved in his apartment today.this place is near his university. Didn't unpack many things yet.he needs to sleep quickly & wake up early in the morning to finish his work.

He was so tired that he starts feeling sleepy right after he lied down...he doesn't know when he fallen asleep....

But woke up suddenly in the middle of night hearing noises....something like....crying??

Jungkook first thinks he misheard & go back to sleep shrugging it off...but again hears it...he raise & sits on his bed....

A boy is crying. Right??? That's how it sounds. What at this time? It coming up from the upper apartment,right?? He doesn't know the reason...but he is sure that boy is crying....

Jungkook keeps listening on the cry...& doesn't know when he falls asleep

The morning he walks outside holding some boxes...he starts from the apartment beside...

" Hey,sorry to bother you...i moved here yesterday. I thought i should introduce myself. Here's some cookies....i will be in your care from now on..."

He keeps doing these & greeting the neighbors....

At last he stops at the upper apartment above him....from where that crying noises were coming from at the night.

He press the bell...but no one answers....

He press for a few more times....finally he hears some footsteps.

& in a second....the door opens slowly....

Jungkook looks at the person who just opened the door....only that person's head peeks from the door.

Jungkook keeps silently looking at the boy standing in front...not opening the door fully...looking at him,a little in fear?

He has glistening eyes..blue eyes...long eyelashes...fair skin....gray hair,which is a little long,lingering on his neck...pink lips.....

In a second after observing him

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In a second after observing him...only one word escapes from jungkook's lips...

" Beautiful " He murmurs.

That boy looks at him even more in fear.

W..who are..you....that boy asks fidgeting...

Jungkook shakes his head...

Sorry...i forgot to introduce myself...i am jungkook..i just moved yesterday....here's some cookies..i will be in your care...

That boy looks at the box in hesitation...probably thinks he should take it or not...

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