*sweet seventeen*(part 2)

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[There were some issues in previous update, so i am updating again]

Your books are inside your bagpack...your water bottle is inside too... I put the money inside your wallet... If i forgot anything, of course you are gonna call me... The last time you didn't call me thinking i am gonna be busy at office when you left our home keys & kept waiting outside.... Don't even think of doing that... Just call me... & your Tiffin is inside with the water bot~~

Jin stops at his words, looking at tae... Who was looking outside the window, silently... In a daze.

Jin sighs... Then walks towards him...

Look at me... Jin says softly holding tae's face.... Tae looks at jin.

Jin rubs tae's eyes corner with his finger...

Puffy & red... You cried again... Jin says.

Tae keeps silent.

If i knew this is gonna happen, i wouldn't give you that let~~

No.... Tae says immediately, grabbing jin's hand.

Jin keeps looking at him...

T.. Thank you for giving me that letter.... Hyung...

Tae says softly...looking at him...

Tae... Jin sighs..

You remember, what doctor told you to... Right? Jin runs his finger on tae's cheek...

Not to be stressed anymore. To be cheerful.& not to think of the past again. It's can affect on your health again... It wasn't easy to let go off those medicines. I can't forget those days when you~~~i know it's my fault i gave you that letter myself & telling you all this would sound like hypocrisy... But i couldn't keep that with myself what is yours... I just don't want you to become like before anymore.... Seeing you in pain it's just too mu~~

Hyung.... Tae looks at jin... Jin stops.

Yesterday.... Tae pause..... Yesterday after a long time, i slept well... I.. I held that letter here.... In my chest"

Tae giggles looking at jin.. But those tears, doesn't match with his smile... Like it has its own emotion... It keeps rolling down, betraying tae, making him realize, he doesn't have any control on them.. Tae clenched on jin's shirt...

After... After a long time i.. I had smell guk's scent.. I.. Maybe hallucinating... But i really did smell it when i was reading that letter... You know how many times i read that letter?? I.. I felt h.. He was with me.... H.. He didn't leave me.... He was there.... T.. This happened... After a long time.... So..

He looks at jin.

" thank you" tae says smiling again.

Don't cry tae.. Jin murmurs, feeling pain inside...

I won't cry... Tae immediately wipes his tears...

Guk told me not to cry anymore. I won't.. I won't do any he doesn't want me to....

He keeps rubbing on his eyes with both hands...


Guk told me to be strong... Tae says looking at jin...

I will become strong.. I won't cry anymore... I will become strong for guk.. S.. So...if.. If he~~

Tae stops... He looks at Jin's face.

" hyung, everyone said guk won't come back anymore... But... But i am still hoping, one day... Maybe? Maybe one day i see him again... Not in my hallucinations.. But... In front of me..... Alive..... Am i~~~"

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