*you are mine*

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Tae : so you are leaving me??

Tae : so you are leaving me??

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Jungkook : yeah...i guess...

Tae : just because you are angry,you are leaving me?? Did you ever love me jeon Jungkook??

Jungkook : look tae..i guess we were never meant for each other..we don't understand each other..we just argue..fight on something trivial..keep talking back at every single damn thing..we don't match...so it's better we end it..

Tae : so you don't love me?? ( angry)

Jungkook : of course i love you..i love you like a hyung...a brother.

Tae : is that so??? Very well jeon Jungkook....good bye then...

Jungkook : where are you going?? It's 10 pm?? ( confused)

Tae : that's none of your business anymore wherever i am going..& whom i am going with...( without emotion)

Jungkook : (frowning eyebrows) tae...whom are you going with??

Tae : stop calling me by my name. Call me hyung..

Jungkook : tae,i asked who is going with you.

Tae doesn't reply...he pulls out his phone & call someone..

Tae : bogumiee..can we meet now??? Yeah, that club we used to go...yeah...wear something warm..it's cold outside..i can't see you fall sick....see you soon then...( hangs up)

Jungkook : ( clenching his fist) you are not going anywhere...(angry)

Tae : i am your hyung...you won't tell me what to do...

Jungkook : i said no..you are not going anywhere.

Tae : watch me then...( tae leaves taking his car keys with him)

Jungkook : aghhhhhh.......[ takes his car keys too]


Tae : bogummie!!! (Tae runs & hugs Bogum)

Bogum : taetae i missed you...

Tae : i missed you too bogummie...i came here after a long time!!!! Let's dance bogummie!!!

Tae holds bogum's hand & drag him towards the dance floor...

Tae warp his hand around bogum's neck...bogum puts his hand on tae's waist...he leans towards tae..


tae & bogum both look at the person standing behind tae...

Tae : jungkook..what are you doing here..??

Jungkook : i am dealing with you later...(glares at tae first,then looks at bogum)

you fucking bastard...i said get your fucking hands off him!! Right now!!!

Bogum : why should i do that?? He is your hyung...not your boyfriend..i can do whatever i want to do with him..you can't stop me....& you don't even love him..watch i am kissing him right now.... (bogum leans again & try to kiss tae)

Jungkook steps in front & pulls tae towards him by holding his hand...& place a hard punch on bogum's face...

Bogum : what the fuck dude!! That hurts..why did you do that?? You said he means nothing to you..

Jungkook : HE fucking means EVERYTHING to me!!! HE IS MY WORLD!!! he is my BOYFRIEND!!! I FUCKING LOVE HIM!!! HE IS MINE!!!! you heard that  !! HE IS MINE!!!

tae : but you said that yo~

Jungkook : (pulls tae in his arms & hugs tightly)

Shut up!! Forget whatever bullshit i told you...I LOVE YOU KIM TAEHYUNG . Only i can touch you..you are only mine....

Tae : (hugs back) i love you too you dork..

Jungkook : don't think i am gonna forget what you did a while ago..i am gonna punish you tonight..i swear i will punish you so hard that you will only scream my name moaning!!! You will only remember me.

Tae : (blush) i will love that...

Jungkook hugs tae again....tae looks at bogum while hugging jungkook.....

Tae winks at bogum...& bogum shows thumbs up smirking.....

their plan succeed...jungkook confessed...

Kim taehyung's plan always works like a charm 😌

Kim taehyung's plan always works like a charm 😌

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