"Held him like a secret in my heart"

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What happened guk.

Tae asked looking at jeongukk who was sitting holding the steering wheel of his car..so tightly that his knuckles went white.

Guk..tae asks again.

You tell me,what happened... Guk says looking at tae with his blood shot eyes.

Tae keeps looking at him confusedly.

I don't know,thatz why i am asking. Right? Tae says in a timid voice.

Jeongukk looks ahead..he clenched his fist hard.

Do you love me? Guk asks.

Of course i do...tae replies without any hesitation..we are getting married guk..of course that's because i love you..

No you don't!!! Jeongukk screams.

Tae trembles hearing him scream..

W..what are you saying....tae says in disbelief.

You aren't contented with me right??? Right tae??? Thatz why you decided to CHEAT on me????

Tae widen his eyes hearing that..

Cheating on you?? Are you in your mind guk???

Yes!!! Yes finally i am on my mind...& finally i can understand what is going on...guk says hitting on the wheel with his hand.

Tae gets scared seeing him like that.

Don't be like this guk..please..i really don't know what you are saying...tears roll down from tae's eyes..

Now you don't know anything..jeongukk scoffs...you don't anything!!! You don't know why you are hiding things from me recently..you don't know why you meet someone hiding from me in the coffee shop...when my stuff saw you & i called you..you denied saying you are at home..you surely don't know!

Y..you are spying on me?? Tae says  trembling.

You left me any choices?? You are acting like a hideous person..& it's may fault that i am spying on you,now??

I met that person for a reason! I couldn't tell you i hide it,because i had a reason got dammit!!!! Tae says crying loudly.

Yeah...definitely....& this reason is fucking around! Guk says looking at tae.

Guk!!!! Tae screams in anger...

Don't raise your voice,you slut!!!

What did you just call me? Tae clenched on his shirts hem..his whole world was spinning..

You heard me what i called you. Wanna make me repeat?? You thought i wouldn't know?? Now deny this too...that you didn't hook up with someone a few days ago..& came back home with a bite mark on your back..

Tae keeps silent jolting.

What? No more words?? Guk smirks bitterly.

That day...tae sobs holding onto his shirt...your brother called me at his apartment saying you were there..i believed him..& that was my only fault.. i was deceived ..your brother tried to rape me guk!!! For god knows how did i struggle to flew from there...tae says crying.

Jeongukk keeps silent from some times...tae thinks probably he will understand him now..he will take him in his embrace....but....

Now you are blaming this on my brother!!! You hooked up with someone & accusing my brother! How shameless you are tae!!!

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