* sweet seventeen *

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"You need to finish it.."

Hyung sik says looking at the 26 years old guy in front..who is now in bare body & splashing water harshly on his face leaning on the basin.

You heard me jeongukk? Boss wants it to be you...

How many times it has been, this week dude? The guy name in jeongukk, replies.

He looks at hyung sik glaring... That glare somewhat feels intimidating to hyung sik... He takes his eyes down.

Everyone in their gang knows how jeongukk is. How dangerous it can be if things doesn't go on per his way. How  terrifying he can be appeared if he feels it's against his thoughts, he won't hesitate to kill the person in front even that person belongs to the same clan, he will slit his throat in a blink & get a beating from the boss afterwards without any remorse.. He can be merciless more than anyone will imagine of.

Not that the boss says him anything... The boss pick up jeongukk when he was only ten... & raised him up... He is like boss's own son. So is a mere thing even if he kills someone. Boss trust in him... & somehow, his this aggressive side makes him boss's favorite one.

I haven't taken a nap for god knows how long.... Go n fucking do this on your own... Jeongukk says taking a towel & wiping his face.

It's not my fault boss trusts on you.... He won't assign on this anyone but you... Hyung sik replies.

That damned old hag.. Jeongukk throws the towel.

Hyung sik looks at him...

What is it to you anyway. You just have to go... & we all know you are gonna finish your task in less than half hour...

Jeongukk doesn't reply... He walks towards the other side of his room...

So you are doing it.. Right?

No... Jeongukk replies taking a sip from the coffee he just made.


You heard me... Jeongukk says again glaring.

Hyung sik gulps.

What i am gonna say to boss?

That's your problem what you gonna tell that old hag... Figure it on your own..

Jeongukk says turning.

" even if i tell you this job is to assign that 'choi'???

Jeongukk halts at his place...

Suddenly some faces flashes before his eyes....

A woman lying on the floor, pale in pain... Trying to stretch her hands towards a ten years old kid, who is trembling in fear looking at that woman, holding a teddy bear in his arms.

" everything gonna be alright " that's the only thing that woman murmured weakly smiling to the kid... But those words cuts down, when a man stands on that woman's hand...

Instead the words turns into..

" RUN gukkie, run"


Jeongukk's train of thoughts breaks when hyung sik calls him again...

He looks at him...

How many people? Jeongukk asks.

Two.. Choi & his wife... Hyung sik replies.

It will be done... But tell that old hag.. I need the knife that oldie promise me to...

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