**to be or not to be**

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[ long story warning]


Senior inspector jeongukk turns hearing that,he just came back from patrolling a while ago. He was putting his hat off...he looks at assistants inspector who just salute him.

"Yeah hyunjin..everything alright?" Jeongukk asks.

"Almost everything,but it's that,we arrested some brats,they were creating some mess in front of the club area.so one of the club owner called & we caught some of them.other flew away though"...officer hyunjin says.

Hmm..jeongukk hums...call their parents & tell them to come to the police station & take their kids with them...let them go with a warning...they are kids anyways.

Jeongukk says sitting.

Umm...we already did that...but that's not the problem here...hyunjin says.

What's the problem then..jeongukk frowns.

Everyone left,but there's a kid whose parents didn't come...what should i do about him?? Officer asks.

Jeongukk looks at his watch...it's alright past 10pm.

Bring him here..jeongukk says.

After 3 min,the officer comes along with a boy...jeongukk was doing some paper works looking down.

Sir...officer says...this is the boy...

Jeongukk raise his head & looks at the boy standing in front...he stunned & keeps looking at the boy for sometimes.

The boy was looking at him with a Stern expression...the first thing that comes in jeongukk's mind looking at that boy was;

" Is he really a boy? A boy can be this beautiful???"

What's his age? It doesn't seem like he will be more than 17...

What's your name..? Jeongukk asks.

That boy keeps silent for some moments...

Sir is asking you something...hyunjin says firmly...

The boy smirks suddenly looking at jeongukk.....jeongukk frowns in confusion.

Did i ask something funny? Jeongukk asks.

No...the boy replies smirking again...

My name is "kim taehyung",officer.

What's your age?? Jeongukk asks.

18..taehyung replies with sarcasm...i look younger though.

Kim taehyung will you explain why you were at those club area..jeongukk asks.

I went there to beat someone...taehyung replies as it wasn't any big deal.

Jeongukk keeps silent for sometimes.

Young man..first i should suggest you to correct your attitude...you don't know whom are you talking to...you did something you shouldn't have...i can do a lot than you can even imagine...so stay put...& tell me what i am asking you...jeongukk says coldly.

But it doesn't seem his words make any difference in taehyung.

You know you made a mess in there...right??

I didn't do anything...i just went there...basically beating someone wasn't the only thing i wanted to do...i went there to meet uncle ben..

Who is uncle ben?? Jeongukk asks.

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