*someone like you*

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Tae! Son..is that you???

Mrs.jeon says widening her eyes,looking at the boy standing right in front her house door, looking somewhere else...

Tae turns at her with bright smile,on his face.

"Eomma!" Tae says smiling.

Mrs.jeon says nothing..but steps in & embrace tae in her warm arms...tae warps his hands around her too.

God! I am seeing you after so long,son. I missed you...mrs.jeon says softly...her eyes soaked in tears...she loves this kid a lot.

"I missed you too eomma. Sorry...i couldn't come earlier..."tae says smiling.

You don't have to apologize. You were out for work...how long it been? One n half years.right?? She says softly.

Yeah eomma...tae replies.

My kid become so skinny..you didn't eat properly in there?? She asks in concern.

Tae looks at himself.

Am i?? I missed your cooking,that's why i guess...tae smiles.

Okay! Now when you came back,i am gonna cook so many foods for you...mrs. Jeon says again embracing tae..not letting go of him.

Tae smiles....okay eomma...tae looks around...in search of a specific someone.

Mrs.jeon looks at him..then smiles.

You know gukkie started to go to college after bighit permit you guys a vacation. He is now in class. He will come back earlier today. He has only 3 classes today....you wait in his room?? I will cook something for you meanwhile...mrs.jeon says smiling.

Yeah eomma...tae replies.

Tae enters jungkook's room. It's not like,it's the first time he been in here..he has been here before too...with all fives..they came to visit eomma..appa..

Nothing changed in jungkook's room...it feels the old one...few pictures added though on the wall...

Tae looks at those pictures. Smile lingers in his lips...

It's pictures of them..all the seven....good old memories....it's not like they are not going to make memories in future...but old...always seems sweet.

Tae looks at the other pictures...

It's jungkook's childhood pictures...his bunny teeth are so in visible in these pictures.

Tae smiles,thinking how adorable he can be...

How adorable he can be,that he can make tae fallen in love with him this badly.

No..not that kind of a love a senior feels for the mekanie...not that kind of a love a elder brother has for his younger.

Yeah..it's that kind of love,where there's no future...where it's even feel like a sin to love the other person. Where heart hurts thinking if the other person finds out,he will never like to see your face again. It's that kind of love,where you can even tell the other person,what you feel for them..it's that kind of love,where if the other person finds out...he will hate you....

It's that kind of love.....what is called " One sided ".

A pair of eyes,which always looked into his,with so much affection,with so much respect..which always searched a friend in him...only a friend in him....will be hurt,will be despised,will be replaced by hatered...

Why not...it a " Forbidden love " After all..

Jungkook isn't a weirdo like him..he is normal...not an abnormal person like him.

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