😈Demon's Angel👼🏻

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Hey, Who are you? & what are you crying for??

The demon king says looking at a 'thing' who looks like to be an angel,searching for something just in front his demon clan. It's not a place for angels. What is that ' thing' doing here...

The angel gets startled hearing that..it turns towards the demon king...but this time....he gets scared....he sacredly hides behind a bush....& starts peeping through the leaves at the demon king.

& starts peeping through the leaves at the demon king

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The demon king chuckles..." He is adorable "

" What are you scared for?? I won't do anything to you" The demon king says.

Still the angel keeps looking at him in fear from the bush...the demon king sighs.

He walks towards the bush. Angel gets startled seeing him coming closer..he starts moving back.

But the demon king halts in a place before the bush & kneels down sitting in there.

The angel keeps looking at him curiously.

I really ain't gonna harm you. Don't be scared. Let's talk...the demon king says.

This time the angel feels a little assured...

"You really won't eat me??" The angel asks.

Umm....the demon king thinks in mind...i have to think about it...he replies smiling.

The angel pouts looking at him. His eyes fills in tears immediately...

Demon king starts to panic seeing that...

Why are you crying?? He asks.

"M..my..." the angel sobs..."my mom said...demon eats angels if they gets too closer..."

Look at me...demon king says.

The angel looks at him...& keeps looking for sometime...

Not even the demon king can takes his eyes off him...he is so beautiful....

he is so beautiful

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