***jingle bells***

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"Let's play something... "

Hobi says excitedly, looking at the 5 members... Tae & jungkook was somewhere else.

"What game?" Jimin asks in same excitement.

" umm.... " hobi thinks for a moment.

"Let's think something different" he says.

" okay, what about this? We will play a game where we will tell something shocking... The more who can get us shocked, winner will be that person" hobi says in excitement, slapping on the table.

"Is money included for the winner? " jin asks.

" yup" hobi replies.

" i am in" jin says sitting straightened up.

" that sounds fun, i am in too" jimin replies.

" i am gonna win in this " Namjoon says.

" you dream on" Yoongi rolls his eyes.

" okay guys, let's start it, spinning a bottle " hobi says grabbing one, & spinning it.

It stops on jin.. Jin chuckles... He looks at hobi...

" hobi remember one time you found your brush wet before you even use it?? " jin says.

" not that one jinnie" Namjoon tries to stop him.

" yeah? " hobi frowns... Jin smiles brightly, everyone knows how dangerous that smile is.

" Namjoon dropped your Brush on the commode pan accidentally & place it back on its place... & to mend his guilt, he treated you chicken afterwards.. "

Everyone in the room make a eww face..

" dirty! dirty! Eww eww eww" hobi almost puke out.

" it was just an accident" Namjoon says scratching his head.

" it's always an accident for you, you almost set jin hyung's kitchen on accident.. Broke my macbook on accident... & forgot your passport on accident.... " jimin rolls his eyes.

" hey! The last one went too far" Namjoon tries to say, but everyone looks at him crossing their arms.

" i was just saying " he mumbles.

Yoongi suddenly sniffs near hobi..

" hobi.. Can you sit a little far? You suddenly smell like poop" Yoongi says crunching his nose.

" i swear i am gonna make you eat poop you dumbass" hobi almost jumps on him.

" i am gonna smash your balls on the trees before that" Yoongi says grabbing on hobi's hair.

" i swear i am gonna Fucking kick you out if you don't stop fighting " jin glares at the both... Both sits on their places like nothing ever happened.

" right, back on track " jimin says.

" let's spin again " jin says spinning the bottle... This time it stops at Namjoon.

" okay guys, now it's my time to shine.. " Namjoon smiles.

" you are gonna hear something so shocking, that you never heard before " he says proudly.. Then keeps smiling mysteriously.

" you know.......... " he looks at all in suspicious ness.

" Crabs can walk in all directions, but it mostly runs sideways"

He keeps looking at everyone to see their shocking expression, everyone keeps silent.

" next" jin says & everyone gets back to look at the bottle.

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