*till the 100 times "i love you"*

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Hyung,i love you..

Tae looks at the boy in front of him,he has the brightest smile on his face...he always does. Stand in front of tae with that smile . The confesss like that. Not bothering himself if people are around or not...tae just don't understand why he always do that.

" I don't like you jeon Jungkook " Tae replies him with a Stern expression,like he always does.

Okay...jungkook accepts smiling...

Not going anywhere,jungkook keeps standing at the place.

Tae sighs looking closing his eyes,rubbing on it.

" I don't get you,why you always do that? I told you before. I don't like you. You are younger than me. I am in my senior year. There's probably hundred others who will die to date you. Why me. Moreover,i am a man! Can't you see that? Or am i too girly for you? I also have some~~"

You like someone else...jungkook replies smiling.

Yeah! You know that too! They why you keep coming to me? It's been three months already. Stop it! Tae says cokdly.

Jungkook's smile widen hearing that.

I didn't like you because you look girly or something,because you are a man thoroughly. I liked you because you are you. If i like girly things,i would like a girl,right? & for the other reason,i know the person you like,had a crush, he fallen in love with someone else... I know that all...

That's why you thought you get a chance with me? You can do whatever you want with me?? Because i liked a MAN before? Tae says coldly.

I don't want to do whatever i want to do with you hyung...jungkook smiles...i want you to do whatever you want to do with me..

Tae frowns.

What do you mean? Tae asks.

Use me hyung,use me to forget that man...what if,one day you fall in love with me?? Jungkook says stepping one step ahead.

Dream on,i am never gonna love you until i am alive...

You sure? Jungkook says smirking.

I am! I won't ever love you. You are not my type. You are just a junior of mine in this university. Even if i like men,doesn't mean everyone get a chance. I am never gonna come to like u...

Then you have more reasons to use me... Jungkook smiles.

You know you never gonna fall in love with me.. I don't have any issues of you being fond of men.. Then it's super comfortable to hang out with me.. I won't ever judge you.. I won't ever question you.. I will just be beside you...i will listen to you silently... You admit it or not hyung... You are lonely.... I can be a great companion... You can think of me only as a friend...& from my side, i will keep trying to change your mind about me.. I will try to make you fallen in love with me & forget that man....

That's never gonna happen jeon... Tae says scoffing..

I love you hyung.... Jungkook says smiling again..

Again with that? How many times i sa~~

100th times...

Tae frowns hearing that..


From now on, i am gonna say 'i love you'... Till it reach to the 100th day... If even you don't love me till then... I won't ever bother you again.. I am gonna go away from your life, you won't see me anymore... I promise..

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