Chapter 5 (A Power Talk and Sally)

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"So, now that you're part of the team, we should get to know each other. Who wants to go first?" A guy with a red, white, and blue shiel- wait, it can't be him. There's no way it could be him. He would be dead by now. Nico always thought he'd died, made it to Elysim, and chosen rebirth-or however that would translate for him.

But he didn't die. He was sitting in front of Nico and talking. He was a living legend-and the only one who would even remotely understand what it was like to be frozen in time and then find out it's the twenty-first century.

The words blurted out of Nico's mouth before he could stop them. It was like he was ten again- geeky and awestruck by everything. "You're him. You're Captain America. I used to hear about you fighting in the war when I was a little kid. The first super soldier..." Nico stopped himself before he could give away his past and how he was from the 1940's. If they found out...

"Seriously! You're amazed by him- the Capsicle-and not me- the billionaire with a million suits of iron? I'm done. What can I do to make you guys worship me like normal kids?"Tony shouted.

"Can you make any food that I want to eat turn blue?" Percy asked.

The original Avengers looked at him like he was crazy- with spaghetti hanging out of the bow guy's mouth- and Annabeth gave Percy a look that said "You're such a seaweed brain."

"What? It seemed like a good place to start," he defended and took a bite of his pizza- his eyes went wide and he started to choke. He pointed to the sprinkler above his head and water shot down into his open mouth, which stopped the choking. "I haven't even told Mom and Paul where I am! They're going to kill me when we get back! How long ago did you kidnap us?"

"About four hours ago." Clint answered, unfazed by Percy's powers.

"How did you do that?" The other Avengers asked.

"I got it from my dad," Percy shrugged.

"Oh, so your father is Aeqir, the God of the sea?" Thor asked.

"Um, I guess you could say that," Percy said.

Natasha shook her head. "So, you all have powers?"

"Don't tell them about your life," she mouthed next. "It's bugged."

Percy tilted his head sideways, indicating that he didn't understand.

Nico made a texting motion and mouthed "Ancient Greek."

"I don't," Annabeth answered. "But Percy and Nico do. I know Judo, though."

"And you're seven times smarter than Nico and I combined," Percy told her.

"You know it," Annabeth said.

Natasha held up her phone. It said- on a translation app: "Don't tell us about your demigod life. The room is bugged."

"What are your powers, Nico di Angelo?" Thor asked.

"You mean what used to be my powers. I used to be able to use shadows to travel across the country and raise an army of dead to my aid if I was ever in trouble. Now I can only summon a zombie or two before passing out and possibly dying. And I can't even travel three feet using a shadow without it being a suicide mission. Percy's the one with the power." Nico told them.

"No, I'm not-"

"Percy, you just caused a sprinkler to burst while you were choking. You have saved people from drowning just by touching their foreheads, summoned mini hurricanes and you can breathe underwater. Don't tell me you aren't powerful." Nico challenged.

"Okay, maybe I am a little powerful, but I can't ever summon a legion of the undead or travel to China in less than a second. And besides, your powers are already getting better again. You'll be back to your old self in two weeks tops."

"I hope so," Nico muttered.

"Anyways, what about superhero names? You can't have Ironman-"

"Or Captain America-"

"Or Black Widow-"

"Or Hawkeye-"

"Or Hulk-"

"Or Thor."

"We should probably see what goes along with our suits. They're in our rooms along with our weapons. Thor told us. Can we go get them?" Annabeth asked.

"Thor and I will get them for you," Clint said. "You ready Thor?"

"Yes, Eye of Hawk. Let us fetch the armor." Thor walked out of the door with Hawkeye.

"Can I call my parents? I don't want them to freak out when I don't come home." Percy said using his baby seal eyes to melt the Avengers' hearts and get a yes out of them.

"Hmmmm..." 5 seconds later (voice from SpongeBob- which does not belong to me) "Ah! Yes!! Enough with the eyes!!! The phone's in the hallway!!!!" Tony yelled.

Annabeth smirked. Only she and Thalia could resist the pure evil, pleading eyes of Percy. Nico was pretty sure that if Aphrodite was watching the scene, she would shriek "It's too cute!!!" and faint.


Percy dialed the number for his mom's apartment.

It rang a couple times before a gruff voice answered. "Hello."

It didn't sound like Paul and it definitely wasn't his mom.

So Percy decided to go for the salesman technique.

"Hello, is this the Blofis residence?" Percy asked. Percy's mom and Paul had gotten married before the second Titan War.

"No, this is Patrick." The gruff voice answered. Percy couldn't tell if it was sarcasm or not. So he continued on with the salesman act.

"So, this is not the Blofis residence?"

"No. THIS. IS. PATRICK!!!" The guy yelled.

"There is no need to yell. Sorry to waste your precious time." Percy hung up and dialed his home number again.

It rang twice before he heard his mother's familiar voice. "Hello?"

"Hi, Mom," Percy said.

Percy Jackson and the Avengers (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now