Chapter 20 (Tony and Pepper's Dilemma)

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Tony threw Pepper into the Mark-29 he was going to give her for her birthday. He had designed it specifically for her in case something happened and he couldn't be there for her. It was silver and blue- the opposite coloring of his suit.

The other world haunted him every day. He knew he had PTSD. It was why he tinkered so much. He knew he would never forget what was waiting on the other side of the portal and he wanted to be prepared to face it and save Pepper.

But she was his Yin and he was her Yang. They were perfectly balanced, no matter how much they had to overcome. He felt at peace around her. They might even be able to fight evil together, but he was too afraid of losing her to even think of that possibility. She was his everything, even though he'd never admit it. And besides, who'd run the company if she were fighting evil all the time?

So, as they flew across New York Harbor to their private island from the zombie apocalypse, he kept glancing back to check on her.

That changed when Bruce spoke through his earpiece. "Hey, Tony. You know there aren't any zombies, right?"

Tony stopped. "You're kidding, right?"


"I'm dead."

He didn't realize how dead he actually was at that certain moment in time as Jarvis altered his and Pepper's elevation closer to the water in order to avoid a strong wind.

"Sir, there is a large object coming to surface beneath us." Jarvis said.

Tony looked down just as a large squid tentacle lashed around him and Pepper. He would have tried to shoot it if he wasn't being shaken so hard he couldn't even open his mouth. It seriously didn't help that his blaster was crushed against his chest like he was saying the pledge of allegiance. Cap would never get over it.

The monster dragged them underwater. His suit wasn't water resistant. Neither was Pepper's. Pepper was going to drown. He was going to drown. They were all going to drown. Well, except for the squid.

1, 2, 3, 4.

The creature dragged them deeper and deeper. It was impossible to escape. He felt the pressure in his lungs and he was sure Pepper felt it too. The edges of his vision faded to black. If he didn't drown then he would black out.

15, 16, 17.

Pepper got a good angle and shot the tentacle. The creature roared, but only seemed angry.

22, 23, 24.

The crushing feeling just got worse. His lungs felt about to burst. It had gotten to the point where he couldn't see due to the darkness even with the flashing emergency lights. He couldn't even tell Pepper he loved her thanks to the water in the mask of his suit. He leaned his forehead on what he thought was her forehead. It was. She leaned in.

37, 38, 39.

So this was how he'd live his final moments, drowning and unable to move in the hands of a kraken- squid, whatever- with his forehead on Pepper's. He guessed it could've been worse.

47, 48, 4-


"So, what's all of this?" Nico pointed to the owls.

"Annabeth's new power." Percy said.

Nico shrugged. "Okay...since when does Annabeth have powers? And why exactly did I hear a gunshot?"

"Your friend almost died." Clint said nonchalantly.

"It was Percy, wasn't it?" He rubbed his forehead.

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