Chapter 21 (Loki and Something...Different)

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This is mostly a 'figuring stuff out' chapter.


Loki waited in the afternoon sun at the docks for Thor and his 'friends' to arrive. He didn't approve of any of them. Especially the demigods, they would do so much better on his side. However, working with them on the Avengers' side would assure the goddesses' and gods' defeat. He really wanted the four dead, but alas, immortals cannot be killed.

Speaking of the four, Boreas was as boring as his name and a terrible ruler of the Northern winds, Khione was an annoying, spoiled princess and Keto and Phorcys were new to the plan, housebound, and always bawling for freedom, the peasants. Which, coincidentally, left him to do most of the dirty work.

The four also had this plan to make themselves the next 'Big Three'. How would that work? There were five of them. Loki didn't believe in a council and had no intention of ruling the Underworld. For him, the only system that would work was a dictatorship with him at the top and Odin's head on a spike.

On the other hand, working with the four would give him the army needed to rule the remaining frost giants, if there were any, and overthrow Odin. Khione and Boreas did have an army of frozen heroes. And Keto and Phorcys had sea monsters for a family. Which would most definitely work out well for him.

He also had a third plan where he turned them in to the Olympians and asked for an army from Hades, but that could backfire too easily. The Olympians weren't known for being grateful and may see him as an enemy.

He heard Thor descend behind him.

"It's about time you got here." Loki smirked.

"This is no time for games, brother. Tell us where the Man of Iron and Pepper are and who is behind this." Thor spoke when his little friends appeared behind him.

The flag guy, the bow man, the red haired lady who called herself a spider and- oh, this was new- a boy in red and blue with a spider on his pajamas. The last three were the most ... striking. The demigods. Another boy, this one in black armor, yet another boy, in blue armor, and a girl in gray armor with a cape.

"We both know we aren't brothers, Thor. Cut the foolishness and there will be no games." Loki promised. "Pepper and Stark are fine, so far. Why don't you introduce me to your new 'friends'."

"We do not have time for introductions, Loki." Thor said.

"Well, then I'll give you two pieces of advice, you'll pay for it later. I believe those three," He pointed to the demigods. "Know exactly where they are."

"Is this true?" Clint interrogated the demigods.

"No. We know as little about this as-" The blue one objected. "Oh, the dream."

"What dream?" The gray girl asked.

"I had a dream last night and it made no sense, but you know the Georgia Aquarium? Yeah, that's where they are."

"They also know who my other 'allies' are. They're from their world." Loki waved sarcastically and flashed out. "Fail horribly!"


"Great. Ghostie, what did the goddess say in your dream again?" Annabeth said to Nico.

"She said have more respect or one day you'll find yourself shivering at the foot of my throne, begging for a mercy you will never receive." Ghostie said.

"Shivering." Annabeth repeated. "What did our fiery friend say about that?"

"He said it sounded like someone he knew."

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