Chapter 10 (The Police Ruin Everything)

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Peter Parker

Spider-Man wasn't sure if he should trust the "Ghost King." First, the guy puts a sword to his throat. Afterwards, he wants to team up with Peter. Then, as it turns out, Ghostie has an entire team and they were willing to take him by force. Yeah, Spidey didn't trust him.

But all that changed when the police barged through the door on Liberty's crown.

"There he is!" The chief shouted. "Get them both!"

Peter backed up to the edge of the crown for a quick escape and Ghostie rushed towards him in his black armor. "Take my hand! I can get us out of here!"

There was no way anyone could match the urgency or desperation in the guy's voice. He was desperate to keep people out of harm's way. He didn't want anyone to get hurt, or worse, caught and revealed to the world.

Now that Peter thought about it, he had never even heard of this guy before. If anyone could help Peter keep his identity a secret and help him escape the wanted list, it would be this guy and his teammates.

"They're resisting! Fire at will!" The commander shouted.

Peter shot a web over Ghostie's shoulder and the sticky substance covered a few of the guns before some of the police could shoot. But there was no way he could stop them all from firing as Ghostguy reached him. It would take a miracle to save them both.

And a miracle they received. A blur of silver streaked behind Ghostie and Spider-Man realized that it was a girl with a pair of metallic wings. As Peter watched, the wings spread out as she landed and the bullets ricocheted off of them.

Before Peter could even react, Ghostie stopped and he started to hear the sound of water rushing up behind him.

"It's about time you guys got here." Ghost King told someone as a wall of water surrounded the police. Peter noticed that Ghostie was clutching his side.

"That should hold them until Fury gets here." A voice behind Spidey said. "Two minutes and you managed to get yourself in trouble. You're starting to catch up with me."

Spidey whirled around to see a guy in blue armor.

"I don't think anyone could ever beat your record, P-" Ghostie stopped himself abruptly. "Twenty seconds after you left school today, you were being stalked."

"Whatever, Ghostie." The guy was probably rolling his eyes under his helmet. When he noticed Spidey, he waved. "Hey."

"Hey," Peter waved back. He decided that this must be Ghostie's team.

He turned back around and noticed that the girl- whose steel wings shimmered and folded into a cape- was walking towards Ghostie. Ghostie's hands were clutching his side and a single drop of red dripped to the concrete.

"Are you-you were shot, weren't you?" The winged girl crouched down next to Ghostie- who was now kneeling- and spotted the blood. "Styx. Is the bullet still in there? Why didn't you tell us? Hang in there. Hurricane! Get over here and bring some water!"

The girl eased Ghost King down to the ground.

"Oh, Styx." The guy in blue armor- Hurricane- cursed and rushed to Ghostie's side.

Hurricane pointed to the wall holding the police and some water flew from it. He moved Ghost King's hands off of the wound. "Brace yourself, N-Ghostie. This is probably going to hurt."

"Just get it over with." Ghostie grit his teeth.

"Bruce," The girl tapped something on her ear- wait a minute. Ghostie did that earlier. It was a communication device. "We need you here ASAP. Ghostie's got a bullet in his side. Bring Fury, too. We have a wall of water holding back the police. They've probably called for backup."

She turned to Peter and in a deadly voice, she said. "Don't move a muscle. We might need some of those webs for emergency bandages."

"Not going to move." Peter put his hands up in a 'I'm a good prisoner.' kind of way.

*End Chapter*

A/N Do you think the characters are in character?

Like the names so far?

Should I go with the Steel Owl for Annabeth?


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