Chapter 3 (Percy the Guy with the Bow and Fury)

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"Where are Annabeth and Nico?" Percy questioned.

"Your friends?" The guy with the bow asked. "They're perfectly fine. My teammates are talking to them as we speak."

Percy let out the breath he didn't know he was holding in a single burst.

The guy with the bow cleared his throat. "By the way, I'm Agent Barton and I'll be asking you a few questions. Take a seat. First off, where were you last summer?"

Percy sat down in the chair that wasn't in his room earlier. "Which part of last summer? In June I was on the west coast, in July I visited Italy and Greece, and I was back home in August."

"What were you doing in Italy and Greece?"

"I was touring Rome and Athens with my friends and my girlfriend. Can I ask a question now?"

"I don't see the harm in answering a couple of your questions after you answer all of mine," Clint reasoned. "Why did you blow up your schools?"

"What?! You guys think I blew up my schools?" Percy pretty much shouted. "Look, I didn't blow up any of my schools. There were these weird foreign exchange students that blew up my school in seventh grade, and during my freshman orientation there was a psychotic cheerleader who threw firecrackers. If anything, I've been targeted by someone who wants me dead."

"Well, I guess that answers my other questions. All except one. Do you have any powers?"


Percy was suddenly at an internal war with himself. He doubled over and clutched his head. No, he wasn't battling himself- he was up against something else. He fought to avoid telling them anything about his demigod life- he wanted to protect his friends, leave this place, and get on with his life with Annabeth-and sort of won. But he couldn't save himself.

Agent Barton sat there smiling as Percy fought an internal war. He knew something.

Percy sat up against his own will and in a monotone voice he said. "I can control water and breathe under it, speak to horses, and cause earthquakes."

Then, the force was gone. "What just happened? What did you do to me?"

"I gave you a little thing called truth serum. Any other questions?"


Agent Romanov walked into Fury's office. "Sir, the girl, Annabeth, says we have incorrect information on Perseus Jackson's file. She's offered to correct it in exchange for talking to her friends over meals. Do you accept?"

"A simple request in exchange for valuable information? Indeed. Tell her she may."

"Certainly," She responded. When she was at the door she said. "And they aren't terrorists."

"I know," Fury responded. "I bugged the rooms. And Asgard isn't alone. Just ask your godly teammate."

"Should we let them go?"

"No, not at all, you actually gave me an idea during your conversation. Both of the boys have powers- granted one would only be able to use his as a last resort- the girl is probably more intelligent than half of our agents combined, and you already told me what happened in the alley- they all have fighting skills. We're not letting them go, we're making them join the Avengers."

"Do they have a choice?"

"No, but let them think that they do. Give them a day to make a decision if they ask for some time."

*End Chapter*

A/N How's the chapter?

P.S. Don't be surprised if someone dies.






Thanks for reading.

But siriusly, I need to know what baddies to add.

Percy Jackson and the Avengers (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now