Chapter 1 (Also Known as the Demigods' Reaction to Getting Kidnapped)

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When Percy woke up, he was surrounded by white. Literally. Everything was white in the room. The sheets, the ceiling, the carpet, everything. Nothing was a different color and Percy felt like he was blind after seeing the back of his eyelids for so long.

"Ugh," He started to cover his face in the blankets when he remembered what happened. He jumped out of bed and checked his pockets. He had a few drachmas, but no Riptide. Yet.

"Annabeth. Nico." He breathed as he searched the room for a bathroom. "I've got to find them."

He spotted the open door with a toilet and rushed to it. Hopefully their captors would think he was going to throw up. The lights flicked on automatically when he shut the door behind him. There were no cameras in the bathroom, thankfully. He rushed to the sink, turned on the water, and made a rainbow, but before he could throw a drachma in, another Iris Message formed behind him.

"Percy." It was Annabeth. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Wise girl." He threw the drachma into the mist. "We should make sure Nico's okay. Hey, Fleecy. Do me a solid. Show me Nico di Angelo."

"Nico!" Percy whisper-shouted.

"Hey, Percy, I'm fine. Don't worry." Nico said as soon as the Iris message formed. "Do you want me to break out of here and tell Chiron what happened?"

The door to Nico's room suddenly opened and he slashed through the connection.

"This is not good," Percy said. He heard the door suddenly open in his room and Annabeth slashed through their connection. He faked washing his hands. It was a useful trick to make people think things were normal in your life- such as making sure they don't know about your nightmares of sulfuric air, a river of despair, and two wonderful, amazing, kind immortals sacrificing themselves for you.

He took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door. He walked out and saw a guy messing with a bow on his bed.

"Where's Annabeth and Nico?" He questioned.

"Your friends?" The guy said. "They're perfectly fine. My teammates are talking to them as we speak."


The guy with the metal suit was really starting to annoy Nico. If he still had the ability and strength, he would have shadow traveled out of there long ago.

"I'll ask you again, kid. How and why can you raise the dead?"

"And I'll tell you again. I used to be able to," He said. "If I did it again, the effort would kill me."

"You didn't mention the "kill" part earlier and Jarvis says you're not lying, so I'll move on to the next question. What is unicorn draught?"

"Are you serious! You kidnapped my friends and I just because you wanted to know about unicorn draught?!!" Nico almost wanted to risk shadow travel.

"Yes." The guy said.

"I'll give you a toned down version. Unicorn draught is a drink that can heal injuries- or, in my case, stop you from turning into a shadow." Nico explained.

"Okay. Next question, what are you?"

"What kind of question is that?!"

"It means what it says. Are you an alien, a mutant, a kid who fell in goop that gave him superpowers, or what?"

"Let's go with a mutant. I was born this way."

"So you could summon zombies as a baby?"


"Where are you from?"

"Originally I'm from Italy. I'm not gonna answer anything else about my past if that has to do with the next question."

"That doesn't matter since this is the last question. What can you tell me about Perseus Jackson?"

"I'll give you seven things. One. He goes by Percy. Two. Annabeth is his girlfriend. Three. If any of your group hurt her in any way, Percy and I will kill you- that is, if she doesn't kill you herself. Four. If you hear anything about him being a terrorist, it's not true. Five. He could give you an explanation for every single time the press thought he was a terrorist. Six. He will be more likely to speak to you if we weren't confined in rooms and got to see each other during lunch or something. Seven. Don't let him use a bow. He is horrible at shooting."

"Anything else?"

"He won't give up on his family or his friends. Ever."

*End Chapter*

A͟/N͟. so ʇɥıs ıs ʇɥǝ sǝɔoup ɔɥɐdʇǝɹ oɟ ʇɥǝ sʇoɹʎ-ıuɔlnpıuƃ ʇɥǝ ıuʇɹopnɔʇıou.

(Translation afterward)

ɥoʍ po ʎon lıʞǝ ʇɥǝ sʇoɹʎ so ɟɐɹ?

ɥoʍ ɯɐp ɐɹǝ ʎon ɐʇ ʇɥǝ ɐʌǝuƃǝɹs ɟoɹ ıuʇǝɹɹndʇıuƃ dǝɹɔʎ ɐup ɐuuɐqǝʇɥ's pɐʇǝ?

po ʎon ʇɥıuʞ ı sɥonlp dnʇ loʞı ɐup sǝʇuǝ ıu ʇɥǝ sʇoɹʎ?

sɥonlp ı ɐpp sɐpıǝ ɐup ɔɐɹʇǝɹ?

sɥonlp ı ɯɐʞǝ sɐpıǝ ɐup ɔɐɹʇǝɹ ƃǝʇ ʞıpuɐddǝp qʎ ʇɥǝ ɐʌǝuƃǝɹs?

Can any of you read that?

It pretty much says:
So this is the second chapter of the story- including the introduction.

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