Kisses and Red Roses

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When an akuma trap sends Chat Noir into a panic, Ladybug kisses him to calm him down and feelings become confused. What will happen though when Adrien thinks kissing a panicking Marinette would have the same effect?

"So, are you going to tell him this year? You know tomorrow is Valentine's Day."

Marinette threw her head back and turned around in her desk chair, eyeing her best friend. Alya had made herself right at home across Marinette's chaise, her feet propped on some pillows as she thumbed through a trashy teen girls magazine. They were supposed to be working on their assignment for Monday.

"Alya, I already told you that I'm not coming up with any more scatterbrained ideas to confess to Adrien. I'm done with schemes that fail." She then let out a heavy sigh. "I think two major failed attempts is enough." Why did Valentine's Day have to be on a school day and a Friday at that?

"Well you know what they say Marinette, third times a charm. Just remember to write your name on the card this time."

Marinette shook her head. "No, I'm not doing it. Besides, I'm good with just being his friend." Alya scoffed loudly. "I mean it Alya. I hardly stutter around him now, well sometimes...but we worked really well together on that physics project last term and I even kissed him on the cheek without self combusting when he gave me that necklace for my sixteenth birthday."

Alya gave her a deadpan expression. "Girl, no one gives their "just a friend" a pendant with a real ruby shaped like a rose for their birthday, and I know you wear it under your shirt permanently since he gave it to you."

Marinette's face flushed as red as the stone that was indeed hanging around her neck. She instinctively placed her hand where it was hidden under her shirt. It was certainly a very expensive gift to give to a friend, but then again Adrien was always a generous person when it came to his friends. Last Christmas he bought Nino top of the line new headphones and when Alix's roller blades broke the day before a major competition, Adrien hadn't thought twice about handing over his card and buying her a new pair so she could still compete. Nope, Marinette was not going to read any more into it. Adrien was the sweetest person she knew (besides a certain feline hero) but she wasn't sure her heart could take any more hope.

"Marinette." Alya said breaking into her best friends thoughts. "You are only fooling yourself if you keep saying Adrien is nothing more than a friend to you, and I'm pretty sure that necklace means you are a lot more to him too."

"I don't know Alya." Marinette whined, dropping her head into her hands. "I mean, I thought he liked Kagami last year..."

"And we all thought you liked Luka. So what? I don't recall Adrien buying Kagami jewelry for her birthday, or Luka buying it for you." She reinforced her point poking Marinette in the chest.

"But if Adrien thinks I'm more than a friend to him, then why doesn't he say anything?" Alya looked at her slightly irritated.

"Ah, maybe because you keep denying your feelings to his face? You haven't exactly been sending him the clearest of signals?" Marinette looked away embarrassed.

"Don't remind me." Marinette pleaded, running her hands down her face.

"Well, luckily for you I might just have a solution. When words fail, kissing says everything you need." She declared, waving her magazine around triumphantly.

"What are you talking about?" Marinette queried. "And if that's something in the sealed section then I really don't want to know." Alya feigned offence.

"What do you take me for Marinette? Do you think I would pollute your innocent little mind like that?" Marinette gave her a sceptical look.

"Well..." Marinette mused, taping her chin.

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