I Can't Stop Loving You

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Miraculous Fanworks Booster Prompt - Adrien didn't mean to find out Ladybug's identity, but for the sake of their friendship he decided that he must not fall in love with Marinette. He soon realised that was easier said than done.

Adrien sat on the end of his bed wondering what he heck he was going to do now. He'd had an unexpected discovery, the most wonderful, mind blowing and amazing discovery. When an akuma had struck that afternoon and Adrien ran behind the lockers to transform, the last thing he had expected to see at that exact moment was Marinette running behind the other set of lockers and calling out "Tikki, spots on" before running back out as Ladybug. She mustn't have seen him there and it was all he could do to keep his mind on the akuma and not focus on the fact that the love of his love turned out to be one of his best friends.

"So what grand declarations of love are you planning this time?" Plagg teased, waving his piece of camembert around. "Another candle lit rooftop? A dozen red roses? A wheel of perfectly aged Gruyère with its delicately sweet aroma?" He practically drooled.

"I'm not making any love declarations." Adrien said, standing up and wrapping his arms around himself. Plagg was left hanging with his mouth open.

"What do you mean you're not? I thought you said Ladybug was the love of your life."

Adrien pressed his palms against the frame of his giant windows. The moon was high in the sky, full and bright, just like her eyes. He let out a pained sigh. "It's not that simple anymore Plagg. I knew Ladybug wasn't in love with Chat Noir, but it hurts differently knowing Marinette would never love Adrien either."

Plagg flew over and floated next to his chosen's bent head. "How are you so sure Pigtails wouldn't be interested? Have you asked her?"

Adrien lifted his head, turning to his Kwami. "I don't need to ask her. She practically told me herself."

Adrien turned away and flopped face first down on his bed. Plagg zipped over and sat himself down on the pillow next to him. This was not the reaction Plagg had expected. "Then why don't you tell her you found out her identity?"

Adrien sat up as though someone had bitten him and almost sent his Kwami flying off the bed. "I can't do that! Ladybug was very specific many times over that she did not want us to share our identities. She'll be furious that I know. Oh God, Marinette would end up hating me!" He fretted, holding his head between his hands.

"But it was an accident."

"Doesn't matter." Adrien replied, flopping onto his back and looking up at the ceiling. He furrowed his eyebrow in thought. "I'm not going to do anything to make Marinette think anything has changed between us, she's too important to me. I just have to not fall in love with her."

Plagg gave him a confused look. "I hate to break it to you kid, but you already are."

Adrien shook his head. "Chat Noir is in love with Ladybug, but Adrien and Marinette are just friends and I'm going to make sure I keep it that way. Besides, the guy Ladybug always said she liked must have been Luka. I mean, I know how hard juggling a relationship and a secret identity can be and..."

"You can't be serious." Plagg sprouted, flying around to look Adrien square in the face. "One, you weren't in love with Kagami and two you are in love with Pigtails. You can't possibly separate one side of yourself from the other."

"I have too, for the sake of our friendship Adrien can not fall in love with Marinette."

It didn't take long for Adrien to realise that was easier said than done.

Adrien's first challenge came a few days later when Ms Bustier had organised for the class to go on an overnight camp as a bonding exercise. Adrien didn't know how Nathalie managed to convince his father to let him go, but he was beyond excited. The bunks for the cabins had already been arranged and Adrien knew he was going to be sharing with Nino, and Nathaniel.

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