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The night before their wedding, Marinette confirms her suspicion that her fiancé, Adrien, is also her crime fighting partner Chat Noir. Now she has to meet him for patrol and try to tell him the truth about their identities. Based of a prompt from Miraculous Fanworks Discord.

Marinette was suspicious, and she felt she had a right to be suspicious. After all, it couldn't possibly be just a coincidence.

Ever since she and her fiancé, Adrien, had moved in together six weeks ago, she had noticed a pattern every time she needed to leave and go on patrol. As the time would approach, Adrien always found a convenient and sometimes ridiculous excuse to leave the apartment.

"Oh look, we're out of milk. I'll get some."

"Ah, I left some important paperwork at the office."

"Um, Nino needs me to help him move...something."

Honestly! And she thought she was the queen of ridiculous excuses.

It had been in the little things that she had started to see the similarities, things you see more when you're living with someone. The way he cocked his head to one side as he read, how he would savour every bite of one of her baked treats, the puns... oh the puns! If she thought Chat had bad timing, Adrien took it to a whole new level - like the time she was in her first major meeting with the other designers at his father's company. A poorly timed text saying "Never tell a woman she can't purse-shoe her dreams" almost had her snorting her coffee all over her soon to be father-in-law.

Of course, she could have been the mature adult she was and just asked him about it. Better yet, she should have just addressed the enormous elephant in the room and told him about her secret identity. She should have done that already, and she knew that, but she had let her own insecurities get the better of her. She trusted Adrien more than anyone, as much as she trusted Chat Noir, and that connection had started to naw at her conscience, but there was that ever present 'what if' playing on her mind.

Marinette being Marinette, she didn't choose to do either of those options. Instead she had the brilliant idea of following her soon to be husband to see for herself. Better yet, she decided to do this the night before their wedding. Yes, after almost a year of planning, the invitation of guests, the designing of her dream dress, the flowers, photographers, the wedding cars and arranging her parents to bake a three tiered cake, Marinette in all her Guardian wisdom decided that tonight she would spy on her fiancé to discover once and for all if he was, in fact, her masked partner that she had rejected for years.

Chat had been oddly insistent that they should have patrol tonight. Adrien was staying at Nino's place since tradition says it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. Marinette could only imagine what wildly wonderful excuse Adrien would use to get away from his best friend and their long running addiction to playing Ultimate Mecha Strike. Transforming, Ladybug perched herself on a nearby rooftop near Nino's apartment and waited.

Sure enough, Adrien emerged from the apartment building. At first he just stood there, stretching his arms and looking around absentmindedly. He then looked into a black backpack that he had with him before he began walking along the street. Ladybug followed from a distance and observed as Adrien slipped into a side street. A flash of green burst between the buildings and Chat Noir vaulted on his stick up onto the roof and made his way towards their designated meeting place.

Ladybug rested her back against the chimney she was standing next to and placed a hand over her racing heart. Her suspicion was confirmed, Adrien was Chat Noir. She had witnessed irrefutable proof with her own eyes. Sliding down onto her bottom, she released her transformation and caught Tikki in her hand.

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