An Unexpected Situation

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Miraculous Discord Prompt - When Adrien becomes trapped, he entrusts his Miraculous to Alya to protect his Lady and save him and Nino.

Marinette and Alya collapsed onto the benches in the change room. Breathing heavily, Alya wiped her face with a towel as she chuckled.

"Is it just me, or is Alix and Kim's competitiveness starting to rub off onto everyone else in the class?"

Marinette joined in her laughter. "I don't know, but that was one full on game of basketball. Even Ms Bustier seemed surprised. I can't believe we lost though."

"Maybe because Kim had Adrien on his team." Alya mused. "I had no idea that sunshine boy was so athletic. I thought it was just posing for his photoshoots."

"You've seen him fence before. It doesn't surprise me that he's multitalented." Marinette's eyes glazed over and a dopey smile spread across her face.

"And I suppose you crashing into him and falling together into a heap was a total accident too." Alya smirked, elbowing her best friend in the ribs.

"It was an accident!" Marinette defended herself. "You know I would never do that on purpose."

"Hmm." Alya hummed unconvinced. "Not that Adrien seemed to mind though." She teased as she stood up to pack her gym bag.

Most of the other girls had already started making their way out of the change room for lunch except for Rose and Juleka who were still getting changed. Marinette changed her shirt for a fresh one and re-tied her pigtails, smiling to herself. Adrien had been such a sweetheart when she had crashed into him (definitely not on purpose), making sure she was okay and helping her up. Perhaps it had been her imagination, but she was sure he had held her arm longer than was necessary.

As she zipped up her bag, a large crash came from outside making the room shake. Marinette and Alya gave each other a knowing look just as the akuma alert signaled on their phones.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." Marinette said, putting her bag with Tikki over head and across her shoulder.

"I'll go look for the boys." Alya replied, conscious of the other girls still in the room who were also concerned at the noise. Making sure Trixx was in her fanny pack, Alya threw a few extra grapes into the bag as the room shook again. A few of the lockers wobbled dangerously, teetering on the edge of crashing over.

Once Marinette was out of the room, Alya grabbed both Rose and Juleka. "You girls better find a place to hide, it's not safe to stay in here." She said, pulling them out of the room as lockers started crashing behind them.

"I know a good place to hide." Rose said, taking Juleka by the hand. "Come with us Alya."

"No you go on ahead. I need to find Nino."

Alya waited as Rose and Juleka disappeared around the corner. Taking out her phone, she was about to call Nino when another violent crash shook the ground, bringing her to her knees. This time parts the walls had begun to collapse and Alya barely managed to scurry out of the way of the falling debris. This akuma was really bad and Alya wanted to make sure her and Nino would be ready in case Marinette needed them, if she could only find him.

Coughing from the dust cloud and desperately trying to scramble over the wreckage littering the courtyard, Alya found her way to the boys' change rooms.

"Nino! Nino, are you here?" She called out as she frantically looked around. Kim emerged from the other side with an injured Max slung over his shoulder.

"Is anyone else back there?" She asked him. Kim shook his head. "We were the only ones still here, but I think Nino and Adrien went to the science room. Something about Nino leaving his notes in there."

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