If Fate Is Kind

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Miraculous Fanworks Discord Anniversary Prompt - While fighting an akuma, Chat gets thrown into the past and sees his mother and his four year old self.

"What if you could go back and know that one thing you missed?"

That was the last thing Chat Noir remembered the akuma saying before he was hit while protecting Ladybug. He went free falling through what felt like a never ending vortex, letting out a loud groan as he rolled onto his side after hitting the ground with a thud.

Chat remembered that it had been raining hard during the fight, but looking up now, there was nothing but clear skies. Not even a single cloud to be seen and everything around him was dry. Strange.

Standing up, Chat realised he was standing on the roof of a block of flats he didn't recognise. Perhaps he had been thrown out of the city? He wondered to himself. Chat walked to the edge of the roof and crouched down, looking over the side. Below him he could see the park that was near the school, but instead of the Ladybug and Chat Noir statue taking pride of place, there was a kids playground with swings and a slippery slide. Chat frowned. Something wasn't right...

Extending out his baton, Chat slid down to ground level to investigate. Cautiously he looked around in case the akuma was still lurking around somewhere.

"Yo, Catboy! Where's the party?"

Chat turned to where the voice was coming from to see a boy around his own age bouncing a tennis ball on the ground and catching it again.

"Party?" Chat asked.

"Well it's too early for Halloween." The boy laughed. "That's one hell of a costume though." He threw over his shoulder as he walked away.

Chat stood watching the boy as he disappeared around the corner, rubbing the back of his neck. How was it that the boy didn't know who he was? Chat noticed other people looking at him strangely as they walked by. Did the akuma erase people's memories? And where was Ladybug?

Chat heard his ring start to beep. He had forgotten that he had already used his cataclysm. Slipping into an alleyway he dropped his transformation. Plagg fell into his hands and promptly started laughing at his chosen, pointing a paw at his face. Adrien rolled his eyes at the Kwami and handed him a piece of camembert.

"Shut up Plagg." Adrien huffed. "I didn't exactly have time to wash the makeup off and change my clothes before transforming now did I?"

Adrien turned and looked at his reflection in the glass of a window. He had been in the middle of a punk rock themed shoot and he barely recognised himself. His usually soft blond locks had been spiked up and he was wearing heavy black eyeliner with a Matrix inspired long black coat.

Patting his hair down a bit so it didn't look so spiked, Adrien found he still had a pair of sunglasses in his pocket. At least he could cover up the makeup somewhat.

"Something feels off Plagg." Adrien said, looking out from the alleyway across the street to the park. "That boy didn't know I was Chat Noir, and that playground over there - I swear that was taken away years ago."

Plagg nestled into Adrien's collar. "Maybe it was a time travelling akuma." Plagg suggested. "What do you remember before you were hit?"

Adrien didn't answer immediately as his attention was drawn to a tall, thin man sitting on a park bench. Adrien realised it was Mr Ramier reading a paper in between throwing bread crumbs to the pigeons at his feet. He looked younger though, with less grey hair.

Mr Ramier stood up, and after stretching he said farewell to the pigeons and walked off, leaving his newspaper on the bench. Adrien quickly crossed the road and picked the paper up. On the cover was Mayor Bourgeois who had just won his first election and was being sworn into office. Standing next to him was a little girl of about 3 or 4.

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