Operation: Ice Cream Date

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Ladybug and Chat Noir are surprised when Andre the Ice Cream Man changes the flavours they are used to receiving. What will happen though when Andre gives Adrien and Marinette the exact same ice creams? Written for the Miraculous Fanworks Discord

Ladybug wiped the back of her hand across her forehead, sweat beading down her skin. As a Ladybug, she figured the cold at times could have a negative effect on her internal body regulation, but she now wondered if the opposite was also true, because she was certain that this summer was going to be the death of her.

Finding a shady spot on a rooftop garden, Ladybug was relieved that the sun was finally starting to go down, and maybe some of the heat in the air might just go along with it.

Dangling her feet over the edge of the rooftop, Ladybug watched the passing parade of people on the street below. Many Parisians had taken advantage of Monarch's absence over summer to picnic and enjoy the sunny days and warm evenings. She kind of wished she had taken up Alya's offer to go with her and Nino to the swimming pool, but if she was being honest she was sort of trying to avoid seeing Adrien.

It was strange really. Adrien had always been kind to her (she doubted if he was ever unkind to anyone), but lately he'd been acting... different. Not in a bad way, just different. She could be wrong, but she was almost certain that he was paying her extra attention and his eyes - there was something in those emerald eyes that she couldn't quite read, but it definitely had an effect on her body temperature. Now a year ago she would have been over the moon at such a development. No, scratch that, she probably would have panicked and run. Still, it would have made her heart race and fuled her daydreams of them one day getting married, buying a house and having those three kids. She giggled to herself at the thought. She still wanted those things of course, especially the three kids, but the man at her side in those daydreams now sported cat ears on top of a mop of messy blond hair.

Ladybug couldn't say when exactly her feelings for Chat Noir had changed, it was something that snuck up on her so gradually she didn't even realise how far she had fallen for her partner. Perhaps she had for a long time and just refused to acknowledge it, too afraid to admit her heart had betrayed her head. It was risky, far too risky to be on love Chat Noir. Logically, she knew that a relationship while Monarch was still at large could be dangerous to not just them but their families too. Deep down, Ladybug was terrified that only something bad could come from admitting how she felt, but on the other hand, now she couldn't picture her life beside anyone else. Well almost.

No matter what happened, Chat stayed by her side. Even when Ladybug shided him, argued with him and left him out of the loop. Even when she failed as a Guardian, he never left her side and she saw that if that wasn't love then nothing ever would be. Something she should be grabbing with both hands, and yet she still held back.

Ladybug was drawn out from her thoughts by the sound of two boots landing behind her and she smiled to herself. Turning she couldn't help the way her heart skipped a beat at Chat Noir's sunshine grin.

"Kitty." She said, standing up to greet him. "I wasn't expecting to see you tonight. Did your plans fall through?"

"Kind of." He said, inviting her to sit back down with him on the roof's edge. "One of our friends couldn't make it, and I felt like a third wheel so I decided to bail out early and come and see you instead." He gave her a shoulder bump with a cheeky grin, masking the disappointment he felt at said friend's non appearance.

Chat looked out towards the Eiffel Tower in the distance illuminated by the orange and yellow of the sunset. Ladybug could hear the melancholy in his voice, and asked him if everything was alright. "Yeah, I guess so." He said in a rather non-committal way. But the way his shoulders slumped forward didn't match his words.

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