The Heart Remembers

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Marinette has spent 3 years trying to avoid discussing 'that kiss' after Oblivio. When the topic gets raise again Chat offers to refresh the memory, but will it change the way they feel about each other?

"Damn you Alya!" Marinette seethed under her breath as she looked at the Ladyblog. Her best friend had sent her a text to look at the new article that was currently trending in her site. Marinette stupidly thought it was going to be another one of Alya's wild Hawkmoth identity theories. She could have handled that, it would have made for an interesting conversation at school on Monday. Alas, no, instead she was greeted with an image she had spent the last 3 years desperately trying to forget.

Alya had decided to run an article reminiscing the picture she had captured of Ladybug and Chat Noir locking lips after the Oblivio incident. The irony in that of course was the fact that Marinette doesn't even remember kissing Chat in the first place. Her and Chat's only knowledge of the event was this one, well timed photograph that Alya had taken. Now here it was again, taunting her, and filling her heart and her head with emotions she just wasn't up for dealing with right now.

The conversation box on the blog was running hot with questions and theories ranging from whether the superhero duo only pretended not to remember to the idea that they had been carrying on a secret relationship all this time. Really! Marinette couldn't think of anything that would have been more exhausting than a secret relationship with Chat. She laughed to herself. If that had been the case, she seriously doubts her Kitty would have kept it secret for very long.

Marinette felt a redness take over her cheeks. Her Kitty. She always thought of him that way, her Kitty, just as he would call her his Lady. He wasn't really hers was though was he, and who's fault was that? 'Mine' she murmured to herself. She banged her head down on the desk.

"Are you alright Marinette?" Tikki asked quietly. The bluenette just nodded her head buried into her arms. Tikki sat next to her on the desk facing the computer. "You know the two of you never did talk about that kiss." The Kwami said, looking at the picture. Marinette lifted her head and rested her chin in her arms looking at the computer screen.

"I guess it was just easier to pretend it didn't happen." Marinette switched off the monitor and flopped onto her chaise, Tikki following her and sitting in her lap. "What would I even say to him anyway?"

Marinette closed her eyes and sighed. Over the years she had pushed past her crippling crush on Adrien to form a true friendship with him. He was one of her best friends, just like Chat was, and she was so grateful for the two wonderful blonde boys in her life. As time passed though, she couldn't deny that the feelings she'd had for Adrien had shifted more towards her partner. Seeing that picture tonight had just brought those suppressed feelings back up to the surface.

"Marinette, you have to start your patrol in a few minutes." Tikki reminded her gently. Marinette let out a groan.

"What if he's seen the picture already tonight? I don't know if I'm up for dealing with it." Tikki gently touched her hand.

"Are you ever going to be up to it? I know your feelings for Chat have always been in a bit of a muddle, but you have put this conversation off for three years Marinette and Chat has been patient with you, but I think it's time you faced up to it." Marinette looked at her Kwami confused.

"How do you know that Chat has been patient?" Tikki giggled.

"Plagg and I catch up fairly regularly you know. Chat has always put your feelings first and quite frankly, Plagg is a little over having to hear about it." Marinette just blinked at her Kwami. If Tikki and Plagg were seeing each other regularly, did that mean she knew who Chat was in his civilian life? Marinette shook her head.

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