Hold me for tonight

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When Ladybug and Chat Noir become cornered by an Akuma, their identities become revealed not only to each other, but Hawkmoth. With the help of Alix, Marinette will have to come up with a plan to set the future right again, by correcting the past, but can she leave her love for Adrien behind.

Ladybug didn't know where it had all gone wrong. One moment she and Chat Noir were fighting an akumatized villain, a student of mythology that had embodied the appearance of a Harpy, the next they had their backs to the wall, literally. Having used both his cataclysm and her Lucky Charm to no avail they were rapidly running out of options. They had underestimated the strength of this opponent. With the ominous sound of their Miraculous beeping, the akuma had them cornered, the great span of its wings keeping them trapped, their weapons agonisingly close but just out of reach.

From the corner of her eye, Ladybug spied Alix. Their classmate had unwittingly become entangled in this whole mess, and was now taking cover behind a desk in their upside down library. Most of the students had escaped ages ago, but Alix had stayed to try and help as the akuma victim was a friend of her brothers. Alix gestured that she could get their staff and yo-yo, but Ladybug shook her head. The Harpy had not seen Alix and any movement would attract it's attention.

As the beeps on their Miraculous continued to warn time was running out, Chat took Ladybug by the hand, lacing his fingers in hers and holding tight. The purple butterfly lit up the face of the akuma, Hawkmoth knowing it was only a matter of time and they would be totally at his mercy.

"M'lady, no matter what happens, I won't leave your side, I promise." Chat said, turning her to face him. He could see the glint of tears forming in her eyes.

"I know you won't Chat." She grabbed onto him in a tight embrace as the final beeps sounded. The two were engulfed in glows of pink and green as their transformations melted away. They knew Hawkmoth would now have seen them, but they still clung onto each other with eyes shut tight. Marinette heard a gasp from Alix. She looked towards her classmate whose mouth was hanging open and Marinette wondered why she was so surprised. Sure, not too many people would peg clumsy Marinette for Ladybug, but was it that big of a surprise?

All of a sudden, the Harpy de-transformed back into the student they were, and a once black butterfly fluttered into pure white before flying away. Marinette was puzzled. This was Hawkmoth's moment of victory, why would he suddenly take away the akuma?

"Marinette?" She heard a familiar voice say beside her. She turned her eyes towards her partner and would most likely have dropped to the floor had he not have been holding her.

"Adrien." She whispered. Oh this had to be some sort of dream. How could the boy she had crushed on for so long turn out to be the partner she had desperately tried not to fall in love with.

"Where am I?" The dazed akuma victim asked. Alix quickly rushed in.

"Hey Markus, there's been an akuma, you better get out of here." The student nodded at her before hastily making his escape. Alix then made her way over to Adrien and Marinette who were still holding each other's arms locked in a transfixed gaze.

"Seriously, out of all the people in Paris...how on earth did you two not realise who each other was?"

"The magic of the Miraculous helps them not to." Tikki piped in as she ate a macaroon from Marinette's purse.

"Yeah, fat lot of good that's going to do now that Hawkmoth knows who they are." Plagg added, throwing down his Camembert in one gulp.

"He's right." Marinette said, the grave reality of the situation coming down on her. She let go of Adrien and wrapped her arms around herself. "This is all my fault. I waited too long to use my Lucky Charm and missed the opportunity." Tears began to stream down her cheeks. "I'm the worst Ladybug ever."

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