Morning Perk-me-up

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Written to a prompt on the Miraculous Fanworks Discord. Where Alya and Adrien hatch a plan and Marinette just wants to get her morning coffee.

"Why am I here at 7am on a Saturday again?" Marinette asked her best friend as they headed towards Pont des Arts. It was a cold December morning and it was a completely inhumane time to be out in the pre-dawn.

"You agreed to come and help Nino with his film project, remember?" Alya said, far too cheerfully for this time of the morning Marinette noted. "He needs to get it submitted before the holiday break."

"Well he's going to owe me big time for this." Marinette grumbled, pulling her red coat tighter around her. "You know the cold and I are not friends, and you didn't even give me enough time to grab a cup of coffee on the way. I've been working on assessments for this semester too, you know, I neeeeeed my caffeine. Without the coffee I can't do the talkie."

Alya chuckled at the desperate look on the bluenette's face. "You're too funny girl. Don't worry, there will be a perk for you in this and you can feed your caffeine addiction soon enough, I promise. The café near here opens in about half an hour, and don't worry, you won't have to talk for this because I'll be narrating it."

Marinette buried her icy cold hands into the pockets of her coat. She had just discovered that morning a lovely big hole in her favourite gloves and she was almost certain one of the Kwamis was responsible, although no one was fessing up. It was always the way with those mischievous little magical creatures - somebody did it, but nobody knows who. Honestly, sometimes it felt like she was babysitting toddlers and not the Guardian of ancient magical creatures. On top of that, she couldn't for the life of her find her other pair. She idly wondered if her kids would ever be like that. She quickly shook her head at herself. Thinking of having kids means thinking of Adrien, and thinking about Adrien leads to thinking about Chat and her caffeine deprived brain can't think about that right now.

It had been a little over a week since they had accidently discovered each other's identities. They looked at each other shocked at first, having both dropped into the same lane to detransform. Marinette's first reaction was to want to go into a meltdown, but after a few moments it was Adrien who pulled her into a tight hug, telling her it would be alright. She believed him, but unfortunately they hadn't had much of a chance to talk about it as they both had to run back to their respective class. Marinette's head was still swimming from the revelation, after all, it wasn't everyday that the secret love of your life turns out to be the crime fighting partner you had been in serious denial about for over two years.

Of course, Alya had been no help at all. When Marinette went to her to freak out, Alya practically rolled on the floor laughing. The intrepid reporter was even good enough to pull out that photo she had taken after Oblivio of her and Chat kissing and reminding Marinette that Chat had been in love with Ladybug since day dot. Oh Lordy, she had kissed Adrien and hadn't even known it or even remember it for that fact! For the rest of the week, Marinette had buried herself in her work and tried not to think about the fact that it was Adrien under the black mask and cat-suit.

Lost in her thoughts, it wasn't long before Marinette realised they had found Nino setting up his film camera.

"Hey babe, glad to see you were able to get Marinette up on time." Nino waved before turning his hat to the side to look through the camera zoom.

"For your information I got myself up, thank you very much." Marinette replied indignantly, folding her arms. That hadn't been entirely true, it had taken Tikki at least three goes to get her out of bed, but Nino didn't need to know that.

"And I bribed her with coffee after we are done." Alya added.

"Well, thanks for filling in for Zoé on such short notice. She got a pretty nasty cold...apparently." Nino gave Alya an odd look before making another adjustment to his camera lens. He then picked up a clip board and showed it to the girls. "So basically the deal for the project is to film a 15-20 second commercial with the theme 'morning perks' so I'm making mine for Paris Special Reserve coffee."

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