The Great Chat Noir Food Drive

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Miraculous Fanworks Secret Santa Prompt- A misunderstanding leads to Adrien (and Chat) getting more food than he knows what to do with, but how can he say no to his two favourite ladies?

Chat Noir stood with his mouth open at all the tins and packets of food that were piled up in boxes. How things had come to this he wasn't entirely sure, but somehow he felt it had been his own fault. Turning to look at Ladybug, his heart melted to see how happy and proud she was to present the contents of the storage shed to him, even if the reasoning behind it had been misguided.

"It's all for you Kitty." She said happily. "All of Paris loves you and no one wants to see you go hungry over the winter."

"For me?" He asked, perplexed.

"Of course Kitty." She said, patting him on the back.

"Wow." Was about all he could muster to say. He was touched and overwhelmed but Chat's stomach practically groaned at the thought of more food. This had clearly been a misunderstanding, and he was feeling embarrassed from the top of his cat ears down to his toe beans.

Ladybug threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. "Don't be embarrassed, Chaton. I only want the best things for you and the idea of you being alone and hungry over the holidays would make me sadder than you know."

Well he never wanted to see his Lady sad, but the fact was he was going to be far from lonely or hungry over the holidays, and he had no idea how to fix this.


As far as Adrien could tell, It all started a few weeks earlier when he was visiting the Dupain-Cheng bakery. He thought he was in seventh heaven as he ate another spoonful of Sabine Chang's signature chicken and sweet corn soup. The weather might be cooler outside as autumn dragged on and winter was approaching, but he was feeling toasty warm inside and out. It was definitely a great suggestion by Alya that they come and study at Marinette's place over the lunch break.

"I like seeing a young man with a healthy appetite." Sabine said, topping up Adrien's bowl with more of the hot soup and another slice of crusty bread.

"I'll have some more too Mrs Cheng." Nino piped up, holding out his bowl.

"I knew you'd want a second helping." Sabine beamed. There was nothing more satisfying for a cook than to see their hard work being enjoyed.

"I don't normally eat so much." Adrien said, sounding a little apologetic. "But the photoshoot this morning ran overtime and I missed breakfast."

"You missed breakfast!" Marinette said, surprised. Her cheek then started turning pink when Adrien looked at her. "D-does that happen often?"

Adrien shrugged. "Sometimes." He said, shovelling more of the soup into his mouth. "Everything has been a little chaotic at the company recently, father has been busier than ever, plus our main chef quit unexpectedly last week. I think my father and Nathalie are primarily running on caffeine and adrenaline at the moment since I hardly see either of them, so the usual meal times have gone a little by the wayside."

Everyone looked at him sympathetically, but really, Adrien didn't mind so much. Akuma's had ramped up recently, and not being watched constantly had its advantages when he needed to transform and disappear himself for a while.

Sabine shook her head. "Well that's fine for them, but that's no good for a growing boy. Growing boys need good food and nutrition in order to thrive and grow. I want you to come home here with Marinette for lunch on as many days as you can."

Marinette's face turned so red Alya was afraid she might self combust. "But, don't you usually go home for lunch?" Alya asked, trying to give her girl some breathing room from this sudden suggestion.

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