M'lady Meow

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Miraculous Fanworks Discord Anniversary Prompt - When Tikki gets sick, Marinette needs to find another way to see her boyfriend for their secret rendezvous.

This was getting much harder than Adrien had expected. It had been six months since he and Marinette had found out their secret identities. It had been six months since he had softly kissed her under the moonlight and asked her to be his girlfriend. It had also been six months since his father had told him in no uncertain terms that he could not have a girlfriend until he was eighteen. Eighteen! Like he could live another whole year without his Lady's sweet kisses. It was so unfair, but Gabriel was hung up on Adrien's teen heartthrob image and that was that.

There was a torture even worse than this though. It was the fact that the love of his life sat behind him in class everyday, a hair's breadth away from him and there wasn't a thing he could do about it. He couldn't kiss her good morning when she arrived at school, he couldn't hold her hand in the corridors and he couldn't say 'I love you' out loud in case somebody heard. Adrien's father had made it very clear that if he got even a hint that Adrien was dating behind his back, he would pull him straight out of school and he and Marinette were very aware that Lila was always snooping around waiting for any opportunity to snitch.

Now somewhere in the back of Adrien's mind, which sounded an awful lot like Plagg, he wanted to tell his father where he could go stick his rules, wrap Marinette up in his arms, preferably in front of some paparazzi, and smother her in all the kisses she deserved - the consequences be damned. After all, he could just transform and still see her whenever he liked anyway.

Marinette of course kept a cooler head than him, her Ladybug instincts kicking in to remind him that after he turned 18, his father would have no control over who he dated, nor could he remove him from school. They just needed to be patient. She also told him she would miss seeing his smile if he wasn't in class, because it made her happy. Who was he to deny his Lady's happiness? So he bit his lip and tried to concentrate on what Ms Busier was saying about Napoleon and the Battle of Waterloo. This was proving more difficult every time the breeze outside blew through the windows, sending the distinct smell of her perfume in his direction. He could only blame himself since he was the one that bought it for her, but the smell was driving him crazy.

"Alright class, the bell is about to ring so start packing up. Remember your draft assignments are due on Monday." Ms Bustier said cheerily and there was a resounding yes whispered around the room. Thank god for Friday!

When class ended, he slowly packed his things so he could watch Marinette as she headed towards the door. She looked behind her over her shoulder as she walked past, their eyes connecting momentarily with him...until she crashed into the back of Chloé.

"Watch where you're walking Dupain-Cheng! You'll put wrinkles into my new jacket." The blonde chided, flicking her high ponytail and clicking her fingers for Sabrina to follow her. Marinette stole another glance back at Adrien, who was chuckling to himself and she playfully narrowed her eyes at him with a pout. He so wanted to run over and kiss that pout. He needed to talk to her though before she left, sending a text wasn't going to cut it.

Adrien waited behind a corner for Marinette to leave from the locker rooms. She soon emerged with Alya and Mylène, who were in deep conversation over a story currently running on the Ladyblog.

"Pssst, Marinette." He whispered as she passed by where he was. Marinette slowed her pace at the sound of his voice, letting Alya and Mylène get ahead of her. A moment later, she felt his hand grip hers and pull her around the corner. The two of them ran behind the school building where they were obscured by the bushes and shrubbery.

Adrien lent his back against the brick wall, pulling Marinette to him, his hands cradling her close and kissing her like he hadn't seen her in weeks, at times it felt like it, even if he saw her everyday.

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