chapter two

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We sat in a row in front of the one way window panel.

The scenes from outside the diner were unimaginable.

Thousands upon thousands of these cannibalistic undead people stormed outside, screams and cries erupting from all over the city could be heard. It was like civilization was crumbling slowly and in less than a few hours, we'd be the last humans on earth.

By the early hours of the morning, the traumatizing screams of people could still be heard, the diner doors were still probably open and the deranged were still stumbling through quite frequently.

"We should probably close the doors" Armani breathed breaking the hours of grueling silence, "Not today though its way too risky, maybe when it dies down".

"Oh my God, we're trapped in here forever" Alexia cried as realization hit her, running her hands through her hair, "It's hard to wrap my head around the fact we can't just leave".

"We've got some food in the fridge, way more in the kitchen but we would have to cross the diner to get to that" I said opening the mini fridge, "We should probably ration it carefully, starting with the perishables"

"True, who knows how long the power will last to keep the fridge working" Armani said, sighing at the little fridge that was starting to flicker, full of all the girls break food.

"Or the running water" Alexia said opening the tap slightly, testing the water supply which was still barely working.

"I think we should collect the water, count how much food we have and check the bags that were left over for more" I suggested.

"Good Idea. Alexia look for containers to collect the water, I'll look through the bags for anything useful and Eden will figure out how to ration the food"

We got to work in silence, for hours we went through the room completing our tasks. Before we knew it it was evening and we all sat in a row in front of the window, staring at the desolate, eerily silent street with a few of the deranged stumbling across.

"We've got about 3 days worth of food to eat if we start tomorrow, including what Armani found in the bags" I explained to them.

"I washed and filled all the empty bottles I found and I also filled even the bins with water after washing them thoroughly of course" Alexia reported to us.

"I found some food in the bags, a pair of car keys, a lot of gum and some tampons like a megaton" Armani listed chuckling as she threw all the tampons in the air like money rain.

"Although we may not have much food at least we have a lifetime supply of tampons" I laughed, not sinking in my words fully, "And bins to drink out of."

"We're going to be like them one day" Armani whispered looking out of the club in despair at the undead that all once had lives and families to go back to.

"I've never smoked before" Alexia whispered randomly looking at us puppy like, trying to fill the awkward silence.

"Never?" Armani gasped, distracting herself from the brief solemn mood that filled the dressing room.

"Never?" I gasped mimicking Armani, in an attempt to make up for the sour mood I had unintentionally caused.

"Omg, you're such a cute baby, how old are you any way?" Armani asked patting her head staring at her as if she was a cute little puppy.

"17" she replied, looking at us shyly.

"You look like your in your twenties!" Armani replied," I'm 27"

"I'm 23" I chipped in, "You're both very beautiful by the way". I wasn't lying, Armani was probably one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen and Alexia looked like she would be accused of photoshopping herself prettier if she posted on Instagram.

Hours passed and just like that we bonded over tampons and the end of the world, listening to TV static and talking about our celebrity crushes which may well be dead by now. Despite everything falling to shit less than 24 hours ago, we were trying to be fine, for now.