chapter six

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Joey's POV

Henry and Dan keep getting ahead of me in the store, they don't seem to care about me at all. Not that I blame them, I'm just a kid to them, wouldn't mean much if I died. I'm sure they wouldn't care if I did, it would just mean more food to go around for the rest of them and maybe the girls.

The girls...

I felt so awful for them. What I did kills me everyday even though Eden has told me countless times she doesn't blame me or resent me. I just feel so bad. If I could get them out of there and take them with me with some other good people I would in a heartbeat.

I held the small pistol in my hand as I filled the backpack  I was carrying on my front with cans of food as I was told. Henry and Dan were in front of me looking for condoms instead of food. As expected of them all they want to do is take advantage of the girls back at the club.

I aimed the gun at their turned backs, straight at their heads. I wish I could pull the trigger but it would do no good to me or the girls if I came home alone without the other two. The guys would get angry and it wouldn't end well for anyone.

"Why are you pointing your gun at your friends kid?" a male voice whispered from right behind me. I didn't even hear him sneak up on me. As I swivelled round in a panic I was met with an astounding sight. He towered over my 5'7 frame completely, probably almost 6'5. He had basketball player height. Four other guys stood behind him, all freakishly tall and dare I say attractive. If I was gay I'd think I was bitten and in heaven.

"They're not my friends they are rapists, I need your help please trust me, I cant explain fully right now" I whispered back as Henry and Dan turned around to see me talking to these random people.

"Joey, who are these guys, get back here" Henry ordered in his thick southern accent, getting his gun from his waist band and aiming it at the tall guy who was talking to me. Running behind Henry and Dan I stood to see what would happen next.

The tall guy raised his hands, "I don't mean no harm gentlemen" he said as he walked up to Henry and Dan.

Upon getting to them, he chuckled leaning over, "Drop your pants"

"Drop my what" Henry guffawed in confusion.

"Your pants" he repeated as he landed a single blow to Henry's face knocking him out cold. Dan took out his gun and aimed it at the tall guy almost about to shoot. I know I had to do something before it was too late so...

I shot him in the leg.

Then I shot again killing then both.

The people in front of me stood watching me with puzzled yet hardened looks on their faces before taking Henry and Dan's bags and guns.

"I'm Kaiden" the tall guy said, not fazed by anything that had just happened.

"Take us to your place, explain in the car" Kaiden said, taking my hand and rushing us into the minivan as the dozens of the undead that were attracted to the gunshot sound began flooding into the abandoned supermarket. As we ran out of the store, I watched as the zombies eagerly devoured Henry and Dan's bodies. I had no ounce of regret.

As we sat in the minivan driving, I explained what had gone down for the past three days, the evil things that the men did to the girls and how in need of help they were. All of them were angry to the brim. I knew I had stumbled upon good people and now was the time to act.

Pulling up in an alley way behind the diner, I explained, "There's eight guys in there, Jackson the one with white hair is the leader"

"Got it" Kaiden affirmed, "You go out first so they open the door, we will barge in right after you and get to work, you hide so you don't get hurt, try to get to the girls and help them out of the chaos that is about to unleash"

Just like that, the plan commenced, I went to the door as planned and Billy opened it, he shouted at me asking me where Henry and Dan were but he was met with a bullet to the head. All the guys stormed in, military style, taking them all down in what seemed like 10 seconds. Like they were trained for this. Professional.

The girls, thankfully clothed, were still tied up and I couldn't get to them in time. Jackson got to me first and held a gun to my head.

"Lock the doors, drop your weapons or the boy dies" Jackson shouted pressing the gun to my head.

A/N: Hope you're enjoying the story so far, what are your thoughts and theories about the book so far? Please leave a vote too! It really helps!