chapter ten

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"You're the last to wake up redhead" a voice repeated, shaking my shoulders as I stirred from my much needed rest. The sounds of light chatter was coming from the other side if the room where everyone was situated digging into a rationed breakfast.

"I have blonde hair though" I grumbled looking up to the person the voice was coming from. It was Chen, towering over me shoving a toothbrush and a small cup of water in my face.

"You've got the attitude of a redhead though" he smiled back smugly, waiting for me to respond explosively to prove his point.

Sitting up, I noticed that Kaiden was already up as well, emerging from the tiny bathroom situated at the back corner of the security office.

"Use the water well, taps not running anymore. I left the rest of mine in the bathroom, use it all, you're last" Kaiden called out emerging from the bathroom as if he was reciting a very long monologue.

"Thanks" I replied walking groggily into the bathroom to attempt to freshen up.

After washing my face and brushing my teeth I tried to attack at the matted birds nest of hair that sat on my head. After many attempts at making my hair look somewhat decent, I had succeeded to retie my hair into a top knot bun although it was quite messy, it was manageable.

Re-emerging into the main office, everyone was already working at packing all the supplies into duffle bags in preparation for the move tomorrow morning. It seemed the team had briefed Alexia, Armani and Joey of the plan whilst I was freshening up.

"Breakfast" Alexia said handing me a can of sweetcorn a pack of four biscuits and a cup of water.

"Mhmm, canned sweetcorn, my favorite" I moaned sarcastically, taking the food from her with a grateful smile, "Thanks love"

"When will you two be back?" Armani asked, taking my attention off the struggle meal in front of me and onto Kaiden and Femi at the door, armed, fully dressed and about to leave.

"Where are you going?" I asked, joining them at the door, then it dawned on me that they were going on the final supply run Kaiden had mentioned the night before whilst we were on watch.

"Final supply run" Femi sang happily like he didn't have the possibility of not coming back alive.

"Any final requests?" Kaiden asked shouting back to the rest of team. He looked at me, holding his watchful gaze before looking down at the weapon held in his hands.

"Some better trousers ! If you can find any. Some board games and playing cards too" Armani called out.

"As much medication you can find! Painkillers, antibiotics, oxytocin, antibacterial. In fact anything with anti on it" Travis called out as Alexia braided his long hair into two braids that stopped just past his neck.

"Any weapons you can find, bullets won't last forever" Ryan replied, pulling Femi and Kaiden into an embrace.

I figured Ryan wasn't going along because if one of them was to not return, the other would know the location of our new destination. It was too risky to let them both out at the same time if unnecessary.

"A whole new outfit and a hairbrush would be appreciated" I replied, looking at my heels that sat at the door of the office. Ever since we arrived here, I've been walking around barefoot, it would be too painful to walk around in trainers that don't fit all day.

Thank God I splashed my cash on a pedicure before this all went down, even if it did mean I would have to work overtime. Which I didn't of course because of well.. the apocalypse.

"Noted" Kaiden said with a small smile and a nod. After hugging everyone, just like that they were gone.

After a few hours, tensions were a bit high. They had gone with the minivan so they should've been back by now. Ryan was on watch, nervously watching for their return.

The door remained locked but not barricaded heavily for their easy access incase they were being chased so it wouldn't take long for then to get back in safely.

For lunch I had another can of corn. There were literally endless supplies of canned food, it was crazy how many supplies they had stocked up this past month. It was evening now.

"Let's load up the other two minivans whilst we're waiting" Joey spoke up, detaching from the grueling zombie 101 training Ryan was enforcing on Alexia, Armani and Joey on how to load and use a firearm safely as well as a how to effectively kill a zombie with a knife. Straight in the head through the eye was the easiest.

"Good idea, its all clear right now, get to it, me and Travis will cover you guys" Chen agreed chucking Travis a rifle which he caught effortlessly.

Carrying the supplies into the minivans was no easy job but we got it done in less than an hour.

Just as soon as we were about to go back inside, the third minivan pulled up again, with Femi waving out of the window of the front passenger.

"Here's your trousers " Kaiden smiled pulling the black trousers out from his duffle bag that was striped across his body.

"Here's all the medicine and anti-anything we could find" Femi sighed, handing over a small but sufficient bag of medicines and antibacterials, "The pharmacies have all been picked clean, hopefully it will be better in Fleming"

"Weapons as asked" Femi handed over the bag of knives to Chen with a slight bow.

"Thank you good soldier" Chen replied excitedly with a small grin.

"Last but not least, the whole new outfit and a hairbrush" Kaiden exclaimed, smiling down at me as he handed me the change of clothes.

Black cargo trousers, black long sleeve gym flannel, black boots and a small but thick jacket. It was perfect.

"Thank you its perfect" I said before rushing off to the bathroom to change with Armani.

"It fits perfect, even the boots" I announced coming out from the bathroom with Armani, "How did you guys even know, I never even told you guys my size"

"Don't look at me man, it was all Kaiden" Femi laughed raising his hands up.

"Lucky guess" he humbly explained, "Anyway, now that's all sorted everyone get some rest before sunrise" Travis take first watch, sorry man I need sleep"

"All good, you deserve it K" he replied with a shrug, sitting down by the windows.


A/N: I cannot wait for you guys to read the next chapters! Its going to get so real. Fast. Anyway please vote and comment!