chapter thirteen

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Kaiden's POV

"Well that leaves the two of us" Ryan, my brother stated, "I'll take first watch, I don't feel tired yet"

"Sure brother, I'll go see where I can squeeze in, if you want access to the roof go through the ceiling hatch in the kitchen" I replied checking the barricade by the door was secure before walking through the corridor.

Opening one of the bedroom doors, I was greeted with the surprising view of Chen with his hands in his head explaining something to Femi who seemed to be giving him a speech about something. Not wanting to insert myself with that fiasco, I closed the door.

Continuing to the end of the corridor, I held my hand out to open the next bedroom door before freezing.

Will she be comfortable sleeping with a big guy like me? Would she even want me in there?

Knocking on the door, I called out, "It's Kaiden, can I come in?"

"Yes" Eden's voice called back.

Entering the bedroom I was taken aback by the comedic scene before my eyes, Joey was fast asleep hogging all the blanket to himself unknowingly. He had wrapped himself up like a human burrito and was smiling in his sleep. Eden sat cross legged on the bed, arms folded with a playful scowl on her face.

Her hair was no longer tied up high on her head and was instead cascading down her back in a glorified sea of unruly curls. Her legs, not too lean, but still quite defined.Her skin caramel, soft, perfect. Her chest was covered in light freckles, her full breasts peeking through the little vest she was wearing. Were those pierced? Everything about her was just beautiful, I didn't even know where to place my eyes.

Really Kaiden? After all she's been through you think she needs a guy like you checking her out instead of protecting her? You saved her to protect her, not to be anything more than a protector. You can't give her love. She doesn't need love. She needs someone who can promise her survival.

"You'd think I'd be the one hogging all the covers don't you think?" she giggled, filling the room with angelic laughter, "Are you sleeping here with us?"

Damn I was fucking whipped after less than a week.

"Yeah if you're fine with that?" I shrugged, rubbing at my neck, "I brought an extra blanket"

"My life saver, I'll be in the middle" she replied happily scooting herself over in attempt to make enough space to fit a 6'5, muscular guy into a barely queen sized bed with another person already on it taking up most of the space.

Her lifesaver, I smiled.

Taking off my boots, I got into bed.

"Do you have enough room?" she asked whilst her whole body pressed against mine, fitting against the contour of my body almost perfectly.

"Yeah I'm alright" I managed to breath back, trying to get some sleep as a little tempting angel pressed her body against mine unintentionally, oblivious to what she was doing to me.

"Kaiden" she whispered turning to face me. The dimming candlelight illuminated her eyes looking up at me full of what seemed to be admiration and trust, "I trust you, even though we haven't known each other for a long time. Honestly with my life. I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me so please don't be awkward around me. The first time you touched me, I flinched by accident. I won't flinch when you touch me again so please-"

Tucking her hair behind her ear I replied, "I trust you too. You're a fighter and I'm more than happy to have you on my team as much as Ryan or anyone else here right now. I'm a protector, Eden. It's what I've done since I was 18 and what I'll do for the rest of my life. I promise to protect you and I ask that you look out for me as well. Guys like Jackson will never hurt you or Armani or Alexia ever again. I hope we can be good friends from now on"


"Yes, I agree. Good friends." she smiled before turning back around and putting a bit more space between us.

Blowing out the candlelight I said, "Goodnight"


Chen's POV

"I didn't know man, I didn't know" I sighed running my hands through my short hair.

"Man I'm sure she will forgive you for what you've done" Femi replied patting me on the back.

"She looks just like her Femi, I swear, I'm only harsh because I can't take her dying again. Not twice, it'll break me". The painful memories of day zero came flooding back. "Memories of my girlfriend getting bit by her own zombified father that I was too scared to kill till it was too late haunts me"

"She locked herself in her room and I heard the gun go off. She only spared herself a bullet, gave the rest to me. She didn't want me to see her kill herself. She was heavily pregnant and I was going to propose. I lost my son and my wife that day."

"Chen, I'm so sorry" Femi echoed pulling me into a pitiful hug and putting a fist to my chest, "If you explain to her, I'm sure you'll find some peace. Your wife and child are in a better place now, believe that. Now you need to pull your shit together and live for them till you reunite with them again"

"Thank you brother, lets try to get some sleep" I said, lying down and closing my eyes.

I love you Lori and Hunter. Forever.

"Yeah" Femi sighed doing the same.


A/N: That was a bit emotional wasn't it. I'm so happy the plot is finally picking up. are we going to forgive Chen?

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