chapter three

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Waking up with my two new friends laying on the cold floor gave me an odd sense of happiness and comfort. Something I hadn't felt since my mother died. Despite most of the world being undead or in desperate hiding like us, I felt like I had something to live for in a time where impending death was the only thing on people's minds.

The undead were less in number in the streets now as they spread across the city. From what I could observe, they were as fast as hey were before they were infected and very quick to identify the humans from their kind.

Looking for a toothbrush in the abandoned bags, I found a used one. 'Nothing was gonna get better than this', I thought.

I rinsed it over and over and then brushed my teeth using the tap minimally. There was only one toothbrush in this place so I figured its would be going three-way.

Using sanitary wipes I found in a drawer of the dressing table, I wiped myself clean and dispose of it in a trash bag in the corner. Which was starting to reek.

Preparing what we were to eat for the day, I got out the first ration of food. Sandwiches for breakfast, half a container of rice to share for lunch and a few biscuits for dinner.

"Everyone alright?" Armani yawned waking up from her deep sleep, stretching out her arms she stood up, walked towards the cluster of bags which we had organized in the corner of the room and got her hairbrush from her bag and began to brush.

He hair was so long, bone straight and silky. I had curly hair that was too long for practicality sitting at just below my waist, I often wore it in a messy attempt at a bun.

"Will you cut my hair for me? It's not going to be practical for the apocalypse" Armani asked handing me a pair of professional scissors.

"Sure, collarbone length? I think it would suit you" I asked, positioning the hair as she sat down on a styling chair in front of me. As she nodded, I got to it and cut her an about 8 inch bob that rested perfectly above her shoulders. I was worried I would totally mess up her hair but It looked so nice by the time I was done.

"Done" I exclaimed rushing her to the bathroom to check out her hair.

"I love it!" she remarked, giving a little happy dance before rushing over to the wall, "You should have been a celebrity hairdresser, you would've made so much money"

"Actually, I was a part time hairdresser till I got a job here, don't think I would ever trust myself cutting a Kardashian's hair though." I explained biting into a stale cookie as I handed Armani hers.

"No! You're so good at it babe" Armani laughed, brushing her teeth with the only toothbrush in the room.

"Oh yeah thanks for getting a toothbrush for me" she called out to me

"Our tooth brush" I smirked as she pulled a horrified face.

It was nice, in this tiny room safe from the outside world. The occasional undead staggered in from time to time but they went right back out when they saw there was nothing for them in here. The wanderings of the undead were more frequent at night so we would have to close the exits soon before it got too overwhelming.

"Quick, in here" a mans voice was heard, I looked out the small window to see a group of about 7 older aged men, all in red baseball caps rushing in and one kid. They closed the doors behind them and barricaded it. A swarm of the undead banged against the door, they had been chasing them on the street and they happened to run into here.

If we had closed the door just a few minutes earlier they would have probably been fresh meat.

"What's that" Alexia groaned loudly, shifting to her side.

"People" Armani whispered turning off the faucet and rushing to the door next to me.

"Be silent, no moving, no talking, no using the faucet in case they hear us, hopefully they will leave in a bit" I whispered as Alexia snapped straight back into awareness standing next to us at the door.

"How the fuck did we end up in a slutty diner like this Billy" a man laughed to the other who had opened the door first earlier as they stood flat against the makeshift barricade that was barely holding together.

In a few hours the banging against the barricaded club doors died down and the men finally relaxed out of their human layer of their barricade.

"I wish I had one of Rob's Girls under my arm right about now Jackson. No way I'm dying without getting some" he replied.

"You bet" Jackson scoffed, the others laughed, as they jumped around on the bloodstained poles and sat back on some of the leather seats we had for group clients looking for a good time.

"We should stay here a while, till things die down. We've got enough food for some time right Joey boy?" the man named Billy who opened the door first shouted.

"Yeah, enough, too much" Joey replied in short quick bursts emerging from what seemed to be the kitchen. He was young, 15 or 16 at best.

"We better search the place for hidden zombies" another man exclaimed, the others voiced their agreement as they scattered around the place, searching armed with guns and knives.

"Oh God" Alexia whispered, backing away from the door. Grabbing a pair of scissors I backed away from the window too, Armani following.

"Check the door" Billy said to Joey, discovering our room. Joey made his way to our door, turning the handle.

"Its not budging" Joey replied as the other men finished securing the perimeter and gathered at the door.

"Hide in the bathroom" I whispered to Alexia and Armani. Alexia moved into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

"Armani what are you doing" I whisper shouted at her unmoving stance as the door began to get kicked down.

"It's moving" Jackson replied, "Get ready boys, there may be zombies behind here"

"I'm not letting you go down alone, we have to protect Alexia together, you can't do it alone"

The barricade came crashing down as the door flew semi open. All the men had used brute force together, and from the earlier zombie attack our barricade was weakened. We should've been smarter. We should've reinforced it.

"Billy. Your wish may just come true after all "Jackson grinned evilly looking right at me and Armani.


A/N: Hey guys, hope you're enjoying the book so far, please leave a vote it only takes a second and pushes the book up the rankings so it gets noticed more sharing my work with more zombie-loving readers.
