chapter five

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Waking up I was back on the pole, tied up with a jacket on me. It was late at night, the men were lying down on the seats sleeping while two were on watch by the exits and one was paroling the building inside. They were distasteful , the taste of rusted metal and blood was filling my mouth just looking at them. My body was so sore and broken, in between my legs I felt a liquid which I knew was a mixture of semen and blood. Looking around, Alexia was still not in sight; If the God my late-mother once believed in was real, I'm sure he was working in her favor.

Armani was tied to the pole to the right of me, still unconscious, her body wrapped in a jacket as well. I was surprised they bothered enough to do that for us. They probably didn't want us to freeze to death so they could keep us alive as their sex slaves.

"What did you work as before the apocalypse" Jackson asked, walking up to the pole I was tied up on. He looked grim. Evil. Like the devil in human form. He stood at around 5'8 with a few wrinkles etched on his forehead and silver-aged greasy hair.

His blue-eyes were not beautiful or meaningful. His stare was piercing. Silencing. His eyes, they dripped with menacing, sickening intent ; hungry and devastating.

If looks could suffocate, he would possess the power to do so.

Not replying I stared right back at him from my position.

"What is your name?" he asked.

No reply.

"Speak or I'll put a bullet in both your friends heads, then you'll be the only one left, with their blood on your hands" he said, staring at me so emotionlessly, as if his words were not a gruesome threat, "Don't think I don't know about her"

Is he talking about Alexia? How did he know where Alexia was? A wave of heat fell upon me, it felt as if he had set fire to the pole with his words.

"Eden, I worked here, If you took time to look at the clothes you forced off me you would realize I was wearing the uniform of this diner" I rasped, my voice was so croaky, we were not fed or even given water to drink.

"I see, you're one of Rob's girls" he smirked, "You must enjoy all the fun we're having then, its like serving customers. By the way, I kept you thinking we didn't know about your friend in the bathroom so you would think you had some heroic significance. Make you feel you had someone to protect, too bad your stupid sacrifice was for nothing"

"Fuck you" Armani rasped, barely lifting her head up to meet his eyes from her pole, then her eyes closed again.

"I fucked your pretty little friend in their countless times over and over till she fell unconscious, she might be dead in there for all I care. It was quite fun taking her virginity" he laughed, "You should've heard her screams, begging me to stop, till she went silent"

"Die" I spat, tears dripping from my eyes pitifully.

"Ladies first" he chuckled, walking away and laying on the seat opposite to sleep.

Unable to stay awake, I drifted of into a much needed slumber which I hoped not to wake up from. Unfortunately I was stirred awake by the men tying unconscious Alexia to the pole to my left.

Armani, Alexia and I were now set up in a pitiful display for all the men to gawk at. This was not how I expected to live out the apocalypse. Armani awake next to me, gave me a painful smile, despite her being in the worst condition out of the three of us.

"I wish we locked that door" Alexia croaked, easing out of her unconsciousness.

"Morning ladies" Billy chimed, causing all the men to pay attention whilst they ate their rationed breakfasts, "We've decided we're staying here for a while since its safe, then we'll all be moving to my ranch down south".

All? Oh my lord they were going to take us with us. They won't let us leave. Realization dawned on all three of our faces as we sat tied to the poles enduring excruciating pain.


For three days our torture went on, we would be fed once or twice a day and given some water to drink. We were allowed to wear clothes to keep warm most of the time but every evening we had to take it all off or whenever Jackson told us to. As the days went by it got worse, Armani, Alexia and I were all getting weaker, so Jackson permitted us to not be touched till we regained our strength.

The food and water had been running dangerously low, these pigs didn't understand the meaning of ration. Food that could've lasted weeks lasted three days so some of the men were to be going out today to see what they can salvage.

It was afternoon now, it had been decided that Joey, Henry and Dan were to go and find food. I didn't care at all for Henry and Dan, I hoped they would die out there for what they did to Armani and Alexia. However, I did care little for Joey despite what had happened between us.

Joey gave me some of his food when Jackson would throw mine on the floor and step on it in front of me out of spite. He would sneak all three of us some extra water at nights when he knew we needed it and tended to our injuries however he could secretly.

Today our little beacon of hope would probably die and there was nothing we could do about it.

"Get going boys, make sure you get anything you can. No perishables and preferably some condoms, these girls could be dirty for all you know and the last thing I need is an STD at the end of the world" Billy called out to them as they bid the rest goodbye and began to run off with their backpacks strapped tight to their bodies.

"We should be the ones worrying about those, don't you think" Alexia mumbled scoffing at what had been said.

"What was that? "Jackson asked, causing all the men to look our way as he grabbed her chin forcefully in his hands.

"Nothing" she replied, with her eyes to the floor.

"Thought so bitch" Jackson smirked before slapping her across the face as the men all laughed.

Hours went by till it was soon evening, they played card games and spoke about which of us was the best to look at.

Armani was decided as the best so she was given an extra two slices of stale bread. Alexia was second best and was given an extra one slice. I was last due to my apparent lack of boobs. I got nothing.

Joey, Henry and Dan had still not returned.

"Starting to think they're dead out there" Armani whispered mockingly.

"I hope so" Alexia whispered back, "Poor Joey though, I liked him a bit"

"Yeah" I sighed, staring up at the ceiling.

A/N: These girls are about to get much needed justice and I am totally here for it. Please remember to comment and leave a vote!