chapter eleven

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"Its time Rob's Girl" Chen whispered nudging me awake. Everyone was already woken up, stretching and gearing up to go.

"Dammit, why am I always the one waking up last. and my name is Eden for crying out loud" I groaned getting up from the sofa bed and putting my boots back on. Rubbing my eyes as my vision cleared, I looked around the quiet room. Anxiety levels were obviously quite high, this would be a risky operation, but if successful a big reward.

"That's because you're such a deep sleeper its hard to get you up" Femi laughed, handing me a hunting knife in a strap to go around my waist.

Kaiden strode over handing me an assault rifle without even looking at me. I could tell his nerves were on high too, although he had to stay calm as the leader of the group to keep everyone else somewhat level-headed.

"She can't use that, she's never learned how to use one!" Chen barked in protest, unknowing of my training session the other night and my previous experience with guns.

"Trust me, we need all hands on deck. She can and she will" Kaiden ordered back sharply ending his protest there.

The sun was just starting to rise, we could see the roads enough to drive but we could still use the camouflage of the mid-darkness to our advantage.

"Kaiden, Eden, Armani, car one" Kaiden called out assigning us to our modes of transport.

"Ryan drive, Alexia, Travis, car two" he continued, "Chen drive, Femi, Joey, car three". In those three short orders, everyone was organized and ready to move out.

And with that the plan commenced, leaving the now empty security office where we had found refuge in vacant.


Outside was silent, worryingly silent.

The apartment buildings stood eerily hushed and void of life. In fact, the only evidence that life ever existed here was the shattered windows, blood stained brick walls and the occasional abandoned random articles of clothing and useless left-behind possessions.

Everyone made it to their designated cars and were in the process of getting into them, that was until seven of the undead came lurching from around the corner of the office. Their eyes hungry and searching for prey latched onto us and instantaneously their pace picked up to a frantic, desperate dash.

Like clockwork, Kaiden, Ryan, Chen and Femi sprung into action taking on one each near their designated cars. The undead snapped their jaws at them, ravenous as if they hadn't eaten food in forever. Guts, flesh and mush decorated their haggard bodies as crimson red blood oozed from where they had been stabbed through the eyes, squirting onto the teams' clothes.

The other two zombies that had advanced past them bolted towards me and Armani. If we got bitten, it would mean we would turn. Memories of day zero came flooding back, how they died, then began to convulse before reanimation.

I wasn't going to let that happen now.

After gaining a reason to try to live, it would be stupid to die now.

Pushing me to the concrete floor, the deranged woman began to over power me, her teeth dangerously gnashing near my neck. I couldn't even focus to see where the other zombie had gone. With shaky, frantic hands, I plunged the hunting knife into the eye of the woman whose jaw snapped viciously at me. The gut-wrenching stench of decaying flesh filled my nostrils but I continued to jab deeper until her jaw went slack. I knew I was going to reek of that till I could get the chance to have a bath.