chapter nineteen

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"I know you're going to put her to sleep for a long time" she continued putting her hands in both mine and Kaiden's, "Please don't let it hurt her"

"I promise" Kaiden nodded, pulling the girl into a light bear hug. Looking over I could see his face harden, he was going to kill this little girl's zombified mother and he knew she was aware that her mother was never coming back. Tucking his gun away back into its holster, he took his knife in his dominant hand. He was sparing her from hearing the gunshot that would kill her own mother.

"What's your name?" I asked as Kaiden left the room, trying to distract her from what was happening across the other side of the door.

"Emi" she replied, "What is your name?"

"Eden" I smiled, crouching down to her level, "The man with me is called Kaiden"

"He's nice" she smiled walking towards the bed in the centre of the room, "I'm sleepy, will you promise to be here when I wake up?"

"Yes, I promise sweetheart" Kaiden breathed smiling wearily as he walked back into the room, he was wearing his shirt inside out in an attempt to hide the blood stains of Emi's zombified mother. Looking at Kaiden, I could tell he was trying so hard not to let the pain of killing a little girl's mother, practically in front of her, show. 

"How about we get to sleeping now so we can get back on the road bright and early tomorrow morning?" I exclaimed lifting Emi into her bed.

"Will you take me with you?" Emi asked worriedly, "I know to be quiet so they wont hear us, I'll be good, I promise!"

"Of course we will take you with us Emi, get some rest darling" Kaiden assured whilst dragging a pink chair towards the door, "I'll take first watch, you two sleep"

"Of course" I replied, curling up next to Emi in bed who snuggled into me in response, "Sweet dreams, Emi and Kaiden"


Waking up in the early hours of the morning with the minimal light of the sun shining through the cottage window almost made me forget the apocalyptic state of the world we lived in. Emi was still tucked in at my side and Kaiden sat slightly hunched over 'keeping watch'.

It seemed that even the mighty Kaiden had a limit before he needed sleep, all the keeping watch had finally caught up to him and his body was finally getting the rest that he didn't want to give it. The soft rhythmic breathing of the two people around me reminded me that I was alive and others were too. Reminded me that day by day I was forming connections, forging my place in a group with a common goal, to see this through to the end and live. The apocalypse couldn't last forever, the zombies would eventually deteriorate and decompose, and the few left of the world would have to stay strong and keep fighting till then. 

Till then, I thought. What happens after all the fighting and surviving is done? Do we go our separate ways or will we choose to stick together?

"Eden, you're up?" Kaiden yawned, stretching out his limbs as he turned to face me, "It's morning? I closed my eyes and then I-"

"Yes, come and continue to rest with Emi, I'll take watch" I replied cutting him off slightly, rolling carefully out of bed in an attempt not to wake the sleeping angel. Standing up, I felt lighter on my feet as I stretched out my limbs. It's amazing what a good bed can do, I thought.

"Wake me in about three hours, okay?" he said striding over to where I stood at the head of the bed. He put his gun on safety before placing it on the stand adjacent to him, as well as his hunting knife. 

"See ya soon" he yawned as he wrapped his sturdy arms around my waist, leaning over to place a gentle and unexpected kiss on my lips. I began to lean into him as he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue across my bottom lip before nipping at it lightly.

"Kaiden, you kissed me" I whispered as I caught my breath, "What does this kiss mean?"

"It means that although I've only known you for a short period of time, I know I can't resist you any longer. I've got feelings for you that I cant deny or continue to ignore. I want you to be my apocalyptic, hot, kind and caring badass of a girlfriend Eden, so will you do me the honour of being that for me and only me?"

"Yes, I will Kaiden, I wanted to be your girlfriend before I even knew you"

"That doesn't even make any sense" he laughed heartily, kissing me softly again before sliding into bed with sleeping Emi, "Good morning-night Eden", he said before drifting back into his much needed rest.

Oh my Gosh-Oh my Gosh- Oh my Gosh, I internally freaked doing my super happy dance which consisted of a two step shuffle and a mini booty shake.

I think these last few hours have been the best of my life.


A/N: EEK! They're finally together! So so happy!! Do you guys like the way Kaiden popped the question/ I know if someone asked me out like that I would probably like die, then die again of happiness

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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