chapter four

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In that moment I felt fear. Bitter fear. Not fear of the undead but fear of the living. Fear of man. I know Armani must have felt it too, as much as she wanted to be brave she knew our fate as women in a world with no more laws. What would eventually befall us.

I held the scissors up but it was a measly weapon against the guns and knives they had at the ready. Armani sank to her knees in defeated tears as I stood in front of her, trembling, arm extended with scissor in hand.

"Leave" I ordered, staring at all the men who looked as if they had just won the lottery. Looking at us like we were animals.

The sight of women had driven them further into their insanity. They were coming to realization that this was no longer a world of morals or laws. No punishments or consequences for crimes.

"Drop the scissors woman, or we'll fuck you even with a bullet between your pretty little eyebrows" Jackson growled, putting a gun to my head.

Behind me three men grabbed at Armani carrying her out of the room, she did not dispute, she knew what would happen if she did. A lesson that I would have to learn sooner or later.

"No!" I shouted dropping the scissors and reaching back for Armani. Then I was pistol whipped.


When I woke up I was tied with my feet to a pole in the kitchen, hands tied over my head. I wasn't wearing any clothes, they had completely stripped me to nothing. In front of me, I watched as Armani was being forced upon by sleazy Billy, good for only opening doors. She looked at me tear stricken as he raped her, making her scream in displeasure. He put a hand over her mouth as his friends laughed, enjoying the terrible scene.

I looked around for Alexia, she wasn't discovered, she was safe hidden in the bathroom listening to the awful sounds of what happened beyond the backstage room door.

In front of me stood Jackson, smiling at me saying nothing. The other men stood in line behind Armani, waiting for their turn.

This was sick. Inhumane.

"You're all DISGUSTING" I spat, nobody paid attention, they all just continued to wait for their turn. I listened to Armani being raped over and over till all 7 men had their turns.

By the end of her torture, she looked almost lifeless. She laid face down on the seats, unresponsive to me calling out her name. Her neat, silky brunette hair now was a haggard mess, her eyes a bloodshot red and her body littered in red brutal marks and crimson blood.

As her torture ended, mine began.

"Bring her down, keep her arms and legs tied spread open, put her on the table" Jackson ordered. The men did as they were asked.

"Joey, come over here" he ordered, Joey in the corner with his head down scurried over, I could tell he didn't want to be with them in here, my heart semi went out to him, despite the fact he got us discovered.

"Are you a virgin" Jackson asked Joey in front of all the men, when he didn't respond he grabbed his hair as all the men laughed, "Are you a virgin boy!?" he bellowed, spitting in his face.

"No sir" Joey clearly lied, looking at me pitifully before reverting his gaze to the crazy men in front of him.

"Well I don't fucking believe you, have her." Jackson ordered, forcing Joey's hands to my chest. He cried as he did as he was told, mouthing I'm sorry over and over again as he continued to take me unwillingly.

Tears fell out of my eyes silently as he did what he was ordered, I didn't blame him I just stared at Jackson and the other men, hoping they would burn from my glares, that they would drop dead.

"It's okay" I whispered back as he pulled out and zipped up his pants. All the other men lined up behind him, Jackson in front. Next was Jackson, he took no time in doing what he wanted with me, biting me and shoving his dick up me whilst choking me to the point where I couldn't breathe.

I turned my head to the almost lifeless Armani on the table as she stared at me emotionlessly, tears pouring out of her eyes in a growing pool of her own blood

Filled with rage I spat at him, straight in his eyes. He stopped. He pulled out.

He looked at me.

Then he battered me till I fell unconscious.


A/N: It hurts me to write stuff like this and debated for a long time if I should include such an uncomfortable and sensitive topic in this book. I decided to do so because it just goes to show how dangerous a world without laws can be for a woman and highlights a topic that isn't talked about enough: how many people aren't criminals only because consequences exist. Thankfully we are in a world with laws, so please if you know of or see any signs of someone going through something like this please reach out and let them know that they are not ruined or 'devalued'. Please be there for them and support them in any way you can.