chapter seven

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Kaiden's POV

"Femi, Ryan barricade and lock the doors, drop your weapons" I ordered quickly, the zombies were gradually increasing pounding against the metal doors of the diner. Joey trembled in fear, staring at me with pleading eyes.

"Who the fuck are you and why have you killed all my men?" the man choke holding Joey bellowed.

"Ah, you must be Jackson" Ryan spoke stepping up next to me. He was my right hand man and brother although we weren't related, he was always looking out for the guys and filling in where I fell short. Thanks to him we'd survived the first few days of the apocalypse.

"You here to steal ma bitches? Fucking take them and leave, I've done them all already" Jackson shouted pointing to the left where three, girls sat tied up. He was distracted, taking the opportunity, I disarmed him, removed him from Joey who fell to the floor gasping for air and shot him straight in the shoulder.

"You're sick and no I'm not here to steal anyone, you don't own them" I spat, shooting him in his other shoulder.

Looking away from him, my eyes locked with a girl who looked at me with an intense fiery and skeptical look as she was untied by my friends. She had long, curly blonde hair that spazzed out over her head. It was messy, untamed but kind of catastrophically beautiful. But that wasn't important right now. What was important was getting everyone out of here safe, and being distracted by beauty was a man's one way road down to a mistake that could cost him his life.

"Thank you" she said crying into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, for everything" Joey replied to her hugging her back. Then she switched. Instantly, she got up, took the gun that Jackson was using and shot him. In the knee. Then the foot. Then his other leg.

His screams and groans echoed the room as she began to empty the clip in different parts of his body till the screams stopped, he was dead but she continued shooting him over and over till the gun clicked empty.

"You're my bitch, Jackson" she spat his poison laced name before running back to her other friends who embraced her in a hug.

"Thank you guys so much for helping us out" Joey sighed, regaining his strength, grimacing at the mutilated rapist that lay dead on the floor near the exit.

"Do you guys want to, come with us, there's strength in numbers?" Ryan asked the girls, rubbing his hand behind his head sheepishly.

"We have nowhere else to go I guess, just wait for us to pack up please" another girl with a brown short cut hair agreed looking at the floor as she was helped to stand by the other two girls.

"just like that?" the blonde girl protested quietly, looking at us doubtfully as she helped the brown haired girl into a room on the opposite side of the diner.

After a few long minutes the girls came out ready.

"So, I'm Eden" the girl who had shot Jackson said breaking the silence , she was 5'5, she had caramel-colored skin with natural brownish-blonde curly hair that now sat in a messy bun on her head, a few strands falling in front of her lightly freckled face.

"I'm Armani" the girl with brown, short cut hair and olive skin added. She was about 5'7 and had a faint smile on her face. However her eyes told a different story, they were black, stone-cold with almost no emotion left in them. I couldn't even begin to imagine what these men had done to them.

"I'm Alexia" the other girl who hadn't said anything so far chorused. She was a dark-skinned girl with black, short curly hair. She stood at the tallest of them all, probably at 5'10.

I wished we had been able to save them from the hands of Jackson earlier so they wouldn't have experienced what they did, if only I had known where they were I would've came running without hesitation.

Eden's POV

I thought my body was finally failing me when I saw them burst into the diner and save us from the hands of our abusers. I never wanted to be a damsel in distress but just this once, I didn't mind to sit and watch as their bodies dropped one by one. I was running on pure adrenaline and I'm sure Armani would not have lasted more than a day longer with how weak she had gotten.

The sound of Jackson's thud to the ground was life's serenade for survival. As I shot him with his own gun over and over, hearing his screams and pain gave me cataclysmic satisfaction. Looking up, I saw him. Covered in blood and with an aura of darkness yet his eyes gave warmth in such a dire situation. He looked at me for a second before lowering his gaze as I ran over to embrace my sisters. I didn't know what we would do now, where we would go but one thing is for sure, we would never be so unprepared again.

"Do you guys want to, come with us?" one of the guys asked us softly, rubbing his hand behind his head. He was clearly sympathetic to our circumstance.

"We have nowhere else to go, just wait for us to pack up please" Armani called out as we helped her to stand and go backstage to pack.

"Just like that?" I exclaimed quietly so only Alexia and Armani could hear. Without doubt these guys did us a favor but what makes them any different from any other guy we've encountered in the past few days. We just met them and I for one, don't believe that people can be good without reason nor do I trust anyone- especially men in a world without any more rules.

While Alexia helped Armani to attempt at freshening up, I packed all our stuff into two separate backpacks that some of the workers brought to work on the night of Doomsday. Once Alexia and Armani had finished their makeshift showers, I quickly did mine, making sure not to get my hair wet I quickly scrubbed and brushed my teeth.

Stepping out , I put back on my shorts, the cropped shirt that read Rob's Girl and tied my hair back into a topknot bun on my head. Putting one of the backpacks on my back, I joined Alexia and Armani who were ready at the door for me.

As we stepped out, the men had finished taking anything useful from the Jackson's men's bags, including their guns.

"So, I'm Eden" I spoke up breaking the silence.

"I'm Armani", Armani added smiling faintly at our saviors sluggishly, the abuse had really taken a toll on her the most out of us three, it would take a few days and a lot of food and rest to get her back to full strength.

"I'm Alexia" Alexia chorused, waving her hand awkwardly at everyone who nodded back.

"I'm Ryan and that's Femi and Kaiden" Ryan explained, pointing to the other two men that were waiting by the exit. They were all very tall and muscular and stood in an active stance as if the constant readiness to be attacked controlled every part of their beings.

"Nice to meet you all" Femi smiled as we moved towards the back door exit, "Shall we go?". A small horde of zombies were still banging against the front door, the barricade would hold, but not for much longer.

As I ran out in the middle of our formation, protected by Ryan, Femi and Kaiden. We successfully made it to the 7-seater minivan, I saw the barricade come down and the undead fight to get a piece of Jackson's lifeless body. Part of me felt sick watching the scene. A bigger part of me wished he was alive, feeling the pain as his arms and legs were bitten into, tearing him apart. In seconds his body was completely devoured.

"Lets go" Kaiden called out as he hopped into the minivan last and instantly we were driving off as the undead began to flood out of the club towards the minivan.

A/N: Justice is served! How I love it when bad people are punished for doing bad people things. Anyway please leave some comments and a vote, it helps this story get discovered so more people can enjoy the book!