chapter seventeen

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A/N: 18+ Scenes ahead, skip my young ones... I know you won't anyway but as a precaution *long author sigh*

Alexia's POV

"I'm sure they're okay" I reassured. The atmosphere of the cabin was very tense, Ryan was unable to stop pacing up and down the living room, they hadn't made any attempt to contact us on the radios and it was getting dark, it had been hours since they'd left.

"The radios are probably just out of range" Travis spoke up as he collected dinner from Femi which was beef, baked beans and dried out mango. It seemed like Femi had become our designated cook, even though it didn't take much skill to do now with limited 'ingredients' or equipment.

"I'm going out there tomorrow morning if they don't come back" Ryan announced. That wasn't part of the plan, Ryan couldn't risk himself as only he and Kaiden could successfully lead us to our destination.

"You can't" I piped up a bit too urgently causing everyone to turn and look at me, "Trust they'll be back. We didn't hear any screams or indications they may have got into trouble when they left. They're in a car, they'll be fine"

"Alexia's right" Armani spoke walking into the small room from her much needed rest, "Let's just wait till the morning, if they're not back by then, we'll all go, if we keep getting separated we wont make it"

"Alright" Ryan sighed defeated, dragging his feet into one of the bedrooms in the hallway.

Kaiden POV

As soon as Eden put that CD in the player, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. Taking her hair out of the top-knot bun and letting it cascade down her back, she began to sing to the first song that came on. I was now at a point of conflict, to keep my eyes on or off the road.

"Sing with me" she laughed as she swayed her body to the music that was playing at the lowest volume possible.

"I don't know the lyrics" I lied trying to mask my subtle smirk. Fixing my eyes on the road again, I  barely swerved around what looked like the remains of an animal, maybe a cat, or a fox, animals all looked the same these days if you were lucky enough to see one.

Starved and ravenous.

"Come on Kaiden, who doesn't know the lyrics to single ladies?" she groaned flicking at my forehead, "It's Beyoncé!"

"Well its not anymore" I replied as the playlist switched to the next song. It was a slow, sensual song.

Eden had stopped singing and instead sat quietly in the passenger seat. From my peripheral view I could see her biting her lip as her eyes darted between my face and the car's CD player, I seemed like she was trying to muster up some courage to do something.

Before I could gauge what she would thinking of doing, there was a crazy temptress of a woman straddling my lap as I drove, flashing a pearl white suggestive smile.

"Fuck Eden, you make me go crazy" I chuckled shaking my head, "I can't keep my eyes off you, I'm struggling to not crash this damn car right now" 

"Kaiden, I want you to fuck me" She breathed pressing  into my body, "In this car, right now, in the middle of this long abandoned road"

"Eden-" I started, my chest started to get tighter and tighter as I looked into her alluring eyes, I was a clown for thinking I could ever continue to resist, "How did we get here?"

"Do you want to fuck me Kayden?" she asked gasping as she felt what has been threatening to burst through my trousers, "I-I can feel you"

"I don't want to fuck you Eden"  I  replied, catching onto the brief dim of light in her eyes, "I want to have sex with you till you're unable to walk or think of anything else but me after"


A/N: Well, that was a great way to end a chapter, see you guys in the next  :)

*evil author laugh*