Chapter 12

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We collide together, causing a black sphere to engulf us. A bright light emerges from the depths of this darkness. I see me and sasuke as kids, holding hands, but the illusion is broken when sasuke goes to punch my face. The black sphere explodes, disabling sasuke from touching me, but sending us in opposite directions. We lay on the floor, with blood gushing our our body. My right arm, his left, were both destroyed from the blast. We lay in agony, trying to gather the will power to get up, but inevitably, we had none.

"Haha....." I speak weakly, "I didn't think.. We'd end like this huh sasuke..." To weak to continue speaking I stop and stare at the sky, with my life passing before my eyes, I slowly begin to close my eyes.

"Naruto... I've wanted revenge for my brother... To eradicate the hidden leaf... Never did I truly want to kill you though... I seeked power" sasuke coughs, and blood shoots out his mouth, "never thought we'd both die here..." His voice fades away, and my body grows cold.

Hearing loud noises ringing in my ear, my eyes try to open, but bright lights become a hindrance to me.

"Naruto!" Two soft voices yelled in unison

"Please be okay, don't move stay still" I realize this is sakura, and she sounds horrified.

With little energy I had, I try to utter some words "Sas.....kue....?" With that I was out, not knowing I had went back to sleep.

A sharp pain surges through my body, jolting me awake. "Ahhh!" I grab my right arm, and find it wrapped in bandages. "What?..." I look around, and find my self in the leaf's hospital.

The door opens, and I see Hinata coming in, with a tray with food. "Naruto!" She runs to my bed side, placing the tray of food on the night stand beside me. "Naruto..." She begins to tear up, "I thought you died... You lost so much blood" her tears begin to run face, falling onto the bed. I wipe her tears, and try to hug her, but my right arm won't move. "Your arm... You lost half of it...."


"Both you and sasuke lost your arms" she becomes sad, and lays her head of my chest. "I was so scared... I didn't want you t-to die...."

"Hinata, I won't die. Not until I become hokage" I kiss her forehead, and close my eyes, waiting for her to feel whole again. "Hinata..." I speak to her softly now, "I ... I.... I love you"

Surprised by my words, even though hearing them once before, brought upon the smile I love and adore. "I-I love you too naruto."

Short chapter I know, I know. But how do you feel about his arm? ;) you enjoy the naruhina? Maybe I'll add some other love twist in here as well. Give me suggestions and I will make it work!

I love all your support!
Continue reading for me, I appreciate it dearly.

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