Chapter 4

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Having gathered enough dry wood, me and hinata decided to head back. Since I didn't allow her to carry a lot of wood, I ended up having most of it, which I didn't mind if it were for her.


Surprised she had called my name, since we have barely spoken throughout the entire Scavenger hunt we had looking for all this wood. "Y-yes Hinata?"

"C-can I be hon-honest with you?"

My heart began to beat faster, and I felt as if my body was about to be drenched in sweat, but I nonchalantly responded "Sure."

"Well... I.... I like..." she turned her face and began turning red.

My heard began to ache. Who does she like??? Does she like me?? No, that's impossible. She could never like someone like me. "You don't have to tell me," I smiled at her, "regardless of who you like, nothing will change." I rub her head, and continue walking ahead of her. She slowly follows close behind me. I hope I didn't make a mistake by taking the cowardly route. I so desperately want to know if she likes me... I hope its not Rock Lee, or... I hope she doesn't like sasuke.... I lost sakura to him, I sure as hell won't lose Hinata too.

"Hey Hinata,"

Shyly she answers, "Y-yes"

"This may sound weird but, how could you tell if someone likes you?..." I know asking her this might make things awkward, but I want to know what she thinks on this subject.

"W-well.." she started to get shy. "I-I don't kn-know"

I give her a warm smile and say "neither do I. hahaha. oh well, let's keep it moving before Kakashi and Sakura get mad at us. "

"O-okay! "

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