Chapter 3

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Running pass the villagers, I rushed my way to the main gates. I hope I'm not all to late.

As I reached the main gates Sakura punches me right in my jaw without any warning.

"Why are you so late?!" Sakura screamed "We've all been sitting here patiently waiting for you."

"It's not my-"

Sakura cut me off almost immediately, "you know what, I don't care. Apologize to us now before I decide to beat you to a bloody pulp."

I stare at Sakura with slight confusion, but before she could ball up her fist I abruptly said, "Kakashi-sensai I'm sorry. Hi-hinata I'm so-sorry." Why do I continue to stutter with Hinata?

"It-it's okay naruto.... I-i didn't mind wa-waiting," she gave me a quick smile before she quickly turned away, and her cheeks began to become a rosy red.

"Before naruto gets hurt or embarrassed anymore, I think we should start heading out. " Kakashi said.

"Let's get a move on, " I said confidently.

------------------ few hours later -----------------

"Kakashi-sensei it's getting dark, are we still going to continue forward? " naruto asked exhaustively.

Kakashi stopped at the center of his tracts and said " yeah, I don't think it will be safe to continue on ward. Sakura can you go set up the tents with me, while naruto and hinata go get some drywood for the fire. "

Upon hearing Kakashi say Hinatas name, I turned as red as a tomato, I look to my left and I see hinata blushing just as hard as I was. I felt happy, but anxious to see what would happen next.

Sakura stares at me and notices me blushing and says, "Go hurry it up, our food isn't going to cook itself," as she finished her sentence she gave me a heart warmed smile.

"O-Okay," hinata whispered as she grabbed my hand dragging me into the woods.

I couldn't help but smile at the effort she was putting into dragging me. I softly squeezed her hand, trying to better my grip, and i started to walk along side her.

"Hi-Hinata, I um." I stayed shut, unwilling to speak my mind.

"Y-you what?" Hinata stopped and looked straight into my eyes. Oh how beautiful her eyes looked with the moon light gleaming on them.

I felt my face getting hot, so I decided to walk ahead of her, "It's nothing, " and gave her a warm smile to soothen things out

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