Chapter 13

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As the visiting hours came to an end, Hinata had to leave. "Naruto, I'll be back tomorrow morning before the surgery, okay?" She smiled at me and blew a small kiss. "8 o'clock I'll be here." I could tell she was still embarrassed, yet she was very excited for doing such small things.

"That girl, Hinata Hyuga. I cannot believe I never paid attention to her as kids. Wow, was i an idiot." My thoughts began to race throughout the night leaving me almost sleepless in the morning.

Morning came and Hinata entered the hospital as usual. She walked up to sakura. "Hey sakura! Can I get a visiting pass to see naruto." She had a large smile on her face as if she had received exhilarating news
"Im sorry Hinata," sakura patiently said, "Naruto is about to undergo the surgery. I know we told you he doesn't start surgery until 11, but Lady Tsunadi couldn't wait. She wanted to start it as soon as possible."

Hinata grew a sour face, "how long will it take?"

Sakura saw the despondence within Hinata pale eyes. She felt horrible about this, but it wasn't in her control. "It should take roughly an hour or two. They must first make a replica of naruto's left arm in order to restore his lost right arm. The arm will be made up of the 1sr hokages cells since these cells have far more capabilities of adopting to others than any other cells. It could be considered a stem cell is anything. Following this they must slightly reopen his wound, to reconnect his nerves leaving him with sensation, and his chakura flow too. Hinata, if you'd like you could stay here while he operated on, or you can go buy him some gifts for when he wakes."

Hinata still looks sad, but tried to pull a fake smile. "I-I'll come back later than, call me when he gets out okay?"

All sakura does is nod her head, unable to say anything to fix Hinata's mood.


Peering out the small window in the Leaf's jail cell, memories flood upon me. Itachi.... Mother.... Father.... A small stream if moisture runs by my cheek, and without realizing it I began to cry. The loss of my family, my honor, my drive, his arm; I felt useless. "I must repent for the damaged I've caused... The leaf welcomed me with arms wide open... Yet I cannot stay here... Not yet."

Two anbu guards appear standing at the cell, staring at me. The sound of a lock opening rings throughout the halls, and I'm released from this confined room. "Sasuke.." One anbu began to speak, "Lady Tsunada, Kakashi, Lord Raikage, and Lord Kazekage ordered to have meeting with you.."

The second anbu mutters under his breath, "They should kill him." He grabs me by my right arm, and yanks me towards the direction he walks. The chains on my legs rattle as I walk, and this iron 'glove' is heavy on my wrist, "I'm not entirely free.. But they've kept me alive and with the help of naruto... My sentence won't be bad..."


Two hours pass, and the operation was completed with ease.

I lay in bed, with my new arm wrapped in bandages. Still barely able to move it, I feel the slow, pulsing pain emit from it. "This feels so weird" was the only thought that flew in his head.

The door flies open, with Hinata, Sakura, Bushy Brows, Ten Ten, Neji, Choji, Ino, and kiba fall into the room. I can't help but laugh at them. Their bright red faces, and their struggle to take everyone off of one another.

"Naruto..." Hinata was the first to walk to me. She threw herself on me, linking her arms around my neck, squeezing me tight to her soft chest. Tears running down her face, "we-welcome back!" Her voice filled with bliss.

Everyone behind standing by the room, gave me a smile, and in unison greeted me as well.

Unable to sustain my ebullience, tears ran down my cheeks, like a small stream. "Glad to be back!" The pain I felt emitting from my hand stopped, and I was now able to control it with ease.

"Congratulations for being able to escape my grasp once again boy... In return I've healed your arm... Don't think I'm doing this out of pity... To ensure I take over your body, I want it to be fixed.... So when its my turn to be released... I won't be released from a half assed body..." The nine tails voice was deep, and rough. He spoke without remorse, and left mere seconds later.

In a whisper, I answer back "Kurama, I'll take away the hate you have, and if I have to. I'll bear that hate myself."

You know the deal, I love you guys for supporting my little story :)
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