Chapter 11

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"Sasuke, why are you doing this? Don't you care about the village?! The pain you've caused? I thought we were-"

Sasuke cut me off and began to yell, "You think I care about those who have betrayed my clan? Those who have destroyed what little future I had as a child! You know nothing! You've been alone, right from the beginning! I'm different from you. I had a family!"

"Sas...kue...." His words hit me harder than any punch ever could. "Hehe... I always saw you as a brother, saskue. I guess i was the only one who felt that way." All enthusiasm I had withered away. I stood there, with no resolve.

"Naruto, I'll show you true despair! Today's the day you die!" Saskue's susanoo appeared, and had his arrow ready to be launched. In the second he launched the arrow, my clone I had hidding, had gathered enough natural energy and sent it to me. His arrow missed as I appeared behind him and his susanoo. "Saskue, you say you want to severe this bond? Well I won't let you!" I began to yell at him. "I HAVE THINGS PRECIOUS TO ME IN THE VILLAGE, YOU WON'T KILL ME! I'LL JUST BREAK EVERY BONE IN YOUR BODY!" I've made up my mind, saskue. If you want to kill me, you can try, but I won't be going any where. Hinata.... Wait for me.

Sasuke laughs uncontrollably, and all of a sudden he swings the susanoos arm to back hand me. With swift movements, i summon two clones that I sent me flying above him. In a quick second I appear in kyubi mode, wearing Kurama's chakura as clothes. I do shadow clone justu, and we all do a massive rasengan. Unable to move in time, saskue holds his susanoo arms, high in the air, shielding himself but the barrage breaks through, slamming saskue in a spiral motion to the ground. With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I clentch my fist, small drops of blood make their way down my hand, as the wind tails behind me, I punch sasuke in the jaw sending him back to the ground.

"Sasuke, come back to us. You don't have to be a rogue ninja. Team 7-" sasuke tackles me to the floor, and starts to pummel my face.

"Naruto, you think you understand, but you know nothing!" He continues to punch my face, as I try to block it. The cloak creates a hand coming out of my stomach and punches his ribs. In anguish, he falls to the side.


"I hope naruto is okay..." Hinata said to her self. She waited for the leaf ninja to arrive. Activating her byakugan she was able to read hundreds of lead ninjas chakura heading her way. Hurriedly she makes her way to them, screaming "HELP THE SAND VILLAGE! IM GOING TO GO HELP NARUTO!"

Sakure over hears hinata's screams and relays the message to everyone else, watching hinata head in a different direction.

"Naruto, please be okay" her thoughts began to run, as she looked for his chakura. An immense chakura appeared, and it was almost identical to naruto's but it was off. Something strong was emanating from his chakura as well. "Naruto, I'm coming for you! Please be okay..."


Out of breath, me and sasuke stare into each others eyes. "Sasuke... You're so far from my reach.... You've fallen so far..." Im breathing heavily, while my fave is swollen, and I have scratched all throughout my body.

"Naruto, you'd never understand! I'm here to get stronger! To avenge my brother! The leaf... They made him who he was.. They made him into a criminal! I'm going to destroy the leaf and make them pay for what they did!" Sasuke with what little stamina and chakura he had, he created a chidori, running towards me.

"Sasuke I may not understand, but I could have helped you" I create a rasengan and have my clone launch me at full speed to sasuke.

Alright guys, sorry for not updating for so long. I've had writers block, and didn't know how to continue. I hope this chapter is good for you all :) it may be short but its something

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