Chapter 5

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That night I couldn't sleep. I was unable to stop thinking about who hinata liked. It drove me crazy! There are so many guys that she could like, and I know I couldn't even be on her list. With this relentless thought continually picking at me, I decided to get out my tent. To my surprise I saw Sakura standing in her pajamas staring at the sky. I approached her slowly but by mistake I stepped on a twig.

"Na-naruto!? Why are you up so late? Shouldn't u be sleeping?"

"I should be asking you those same questions Sakura. But I just couldn't sleep, something was bothering me..." I sat on a near by rock, and ran my hands through my messy, hair. "Its like I'm so curious to know who Hinata likes and-"

Before I could finish my sentence sakura punches my head, and walks away, stomping her feet, angrily back into her tent. What got her so worked up? What if she knows who Hinata likes, yeah that should be it. I throw my self up and land on my feet.

I sit in front of Sakura's tent and I ask, "Sakura.. do you know who Hinata l-l-likes by any chance?" those words were rather hard for me to say to my old love.

"Of course I do, but I'm not telling you." as I try to process what she said, I hear her moving about in her tent, and I hear her covers move, "Night Naruto, and by the way I won't tell you who she likes. since its not my business to tell."

"Fine!" I yelled at her.

I began walking to my tent, when I heard a twig snap, I turned in the instant readying a shadow clone. When I soon realized who it was I made my shadow clone disappear just as fast as he appeared.

"Don't sneak up on me like that." I said in a very playful manner. "You really did scare me Hinata." I placed both my hands behind my head and gave her a smile.

She began to blush, and her shyness began to show. "I-I'm sorry Na-naruto.... I heard you y-yell, s-so I thought you were mad." She covered her face with her hands and turned away.

I couldn't help but get closer to her. I was only inches away from her, when I started to talk. " Dummy,-"She jumped instantaneously and looked at me in disbelief. I couldn't help but laugh."Haha. Sorry, I didn't realize I would scare you."

In a matter of seconds our whole mode began to change. She stared into my eyes, as I did to hers. "I-its okay," she said softly.

I moved closer towards her, as did she. Our bodies were only a mere inch away, but our faces were only centimeters apart. I placed my left hand on her cheek, pulling her fave closer to mine. She buried her fa e in the palm of my hand. My heart began to race.

"Hinata i-"

A large explosion in the woods stopped me from uttering another word. Kakashi and sakura both rushed out of their tents to see what caused this explosion, but Hinata was already on the job. She had used byakugan to locate the men/women who had caused it.

"I-i see four people, all ninjas."

"Great job Hinata! Can you tell us where there location is and where they are headed?" Kakashi demanded.

"Th-they are heading to-towards us."

*if you don't mind leave some comments and tell me what you think to far, if you have and ideas or complaints message me and I'll see what I can add in the story :) thank you*

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