Chapter 6

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"Th-they're heading this way!" Hinata cried out.

"Shadow clone jutsu! I need you to gather natural energy." I demanded to my clone.

"Mhm," was all my clone could say, already informed of the situation. He sits on the floor, and begins to gather energy.

"Hinata, Sakura get ready!" kakashi demanded as he pulled out a kunai.

Hinata got in her stance and continued using her Byakugan, while sakura began to place her chakura in both her fists and feet.

"He-here they come!" Hinata shouted.

A giant fire ball came from the forest heading towards me. Without a moments delay Hinata rushes in front of me and uses Guardian Eight Trigrams: Sixty-Four Palms to protect me, while also canceling out the fire ball. As the fire ball was cancelled out, it became a fog that hindered our vision.

"Hehe, don't think you'll stop my Katon: Great Fireball again." a familiar yet cold voice stated.

Shocked, sakura, kakashi and I couldn't speak. We all stood in confusion and appalled by this voice.

"Sa-sasuke..," the only words capable of escaping my throat. I was in disbelief.

We all stared to where his voice echoed from and as the fog began to clear up we saw he wore an akastuki attire.

"Naruto. What a shame, you've grown weak." His cure mark began to extend throughout his entire body, making him into that monster once again. "I'm powered by my hatred, while you stay standing there trying to play hero."

"Why are you here Sasuke?" Demanded kakashi.

Sasuke gave Kakashi a cold stare. "What other reason do I need?" Sasuke began to sound amused, "I'm here to stop you from saving the one tailed jinjuriki from being captured. But since Naruto is here, I'll be capturing him as well."

Three ninjas, wearing the same akastuki attire but concealing their faces with hoods, walked up to Sasuke and whispered into his ear.

"Naruto," Saskue said as coldly as possible. "You're in a very lucky situation. Next time we meet, you'll regret it."

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